
CLASSE Management of macOS Computers

Increasing adoption of Macintosh computers by CLASSE personnel has led to a need for Mac management software that helps us comply with Cornell policies on information security. To meet this important need, CLASSE-IT has installed a software package called JAMF on CLASSE-managed Macs.

What is JAMF?

JAMF is a widely-used management solution for the Apple platform that provides extensive functionality for IT managers in larger scale enterprise and education environments. It allows us to automate deployments, updates to software, and configurations on CLASSE Macs similarly to how we manage CLASSE Linux and Windows computers.

What does JAMF do?

JAMF software will check CLASSE-managed Macs for standard preferences, applications, documents, and deploy CLASSE standards where needed. Many of these preferences, applications, and documents are required by Cornell University policy and are shown in RED.

For more details on Cornell policies, see https://www.dfa.cornell.edu/sites/default/files/vol5_10.pdf (45 pages). For an "executive summary", see https://it.cornell.edu/certified-desktop/certified-desktop-security-policy (nb: CLASSE is required to employ whole-disk encryption only in special cases, and is NOT currently employing Code42).

Standard System Preferences

Preferrence Pane Tab Setting
Date & Time Time Zone Set Time Zone to Automatic
Desktop & Screensaver   Start after 10 minutes
Energy Saver Power Adapter Sleep display 30 min, disable display off, never sleep disk, allow wifi wakeup, enable power nap
Energy Saver Battery Sleep display 10 min, never sleep disk, dim display while on battery, enable power nap
Network   Set DNS for active CLASSE Public ports, set search domains for all network ports, allow standard user to configure network settings
Printer & Scanners   Allow standard user to modify printer list
Security & Privacy General Require password 5 minutes after sleep or screensaver
Security & Privacy FileVault Enable (for users with confidential/sensitive data)
Sharing   Allow ssh and Apple Remote Desktop management
Software Updates   Automatically keep my Mac up to date - check all boxes under "Advanced …”
User & Groups Login Options Display login window as Name and password join to CLASSE domain

Standard Applications

Application Use
ConnectWiseControl.Client Remote access to and from other computers
ESET Anti-malware and network firewall
Fetch FTP/SFTP client
FireFox Web browser
Microsoft Office 2019 Office Productivity
Microsoft Remote Desktop Control a Windows-based PC remotely
Spirion(for users with confidential/sensitive data) Scan for confidential/sensitive data
Pritunl VPN client
Vivaldi Web browser
VLC Video player for multiple formats
X2GoClient Control a Linux-based PC remotely
XQuartz X Server for mac OS

Standard Student Programmer Applications

Application Use URL
Homebrew package manager for Mac https://brew.sh - note different install locations based on Intel vs Apple Silicon (https://docs.brew.sh/Installation)
Apple Silicon installs in /opt/homebrew; /opt/homebrew/bin needs to be added to the PATH
Apache NetBeans 14 IDE for Java app development https://netbeans.apache.org/download/archive/index.html
DBeaver GUI for database administration https://dbeaver.io/download/
Git version control system Use version that ships with XCode; 2nd option - https://git-scm.com/downloads
Java 11 Java Development Kit (JDK) 11 https://adoptium.net/temurin/releases
MariaDB Open Source Database Management System based on MySQL Homebrew: https://mariadb.com/kb/en/installing-mariadb-on-macos-using-homebrew/
MySQL Connector/J Connection driver required by Payara; install in home directory https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/j/ (platform independent)
Payara Latest Community Edition; install in home directory https://www.payara.fish/downloads/payara-platform-community-edition/
Payara Server 5.2022.2 (Full)
Xcode Apple IDE https://developer.apple.com/download/all/?q=xcode
Credentials in Keepass database

User Actions Necessary for CLASSE Managed Enrollment

In a small number of cases, users will be asked to approve an MDM Profile. The steps below will need to be performed when physically at the computer.

Approve Mobile Device Management (MDM) Profile:
  1. Open System Preferences, select *Profiles*
  2. Click the "Approve" button to approve the *MDM Profile*
Topic revision: r21 - 21 Jul 2022, MichaelRoman
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