LEPP Computing Newsletter 1k.png
January 17, 2011

Windows Backups at night: leave your computer on!

  • Many people are turning Windows machines off at night. When you finish using a Windows machine, please leave it on when you log out. Backups are run during the evening and machines which have been turned off cannot be backed up.

Is your Windows Computer slow on Monday morning (or when you first turn it on)?

  • This is often caused by turning the computer off over the weekend. Not just backups are affected.
  • Updates may begin installing.
  • Symantec may start a weekly virus scan that it missed while the computer was off.
  • If you have a laptop, you may want to leave it on overnight on Saturday or plan on some time for it to be slow on Monday morning so it can do these operations. You can also leave your laptop on and on our network over the weekend if you don't need to take it home.
  • If you have a LEPP issued laptop that you don't normally use, plan to turn it on a day in advance of your need to use it so it can do all the maintenance tasks before you need to use it.

PSB Protected network: turn off your wireless!

  • Please be sure to turn off your laptop's wireless interface when you connect to LEPP's "protected" network. Not doing so causes intermittent network connections and usually will prevent you from printing, for example.

Windows Users accessing Linux applications

  • Windows users can run Linux applications from their Windows computer. These include command line and graphical programs. You can do so using XMing - there is an icon on your desktop called RunXMing to help you do this.
  • If you've never tried this, LNX201 is an appropriate computer to connect to to run general applications.
  • This is a great way to access many cross platform applications without needing to have an install done.
  • Way more information is available here: https://wiki.lepp.cornell.edu/lepp/bin/view/Computing/ConnectingToALinuxMachineFromWindows

User information on the LEPP Computing Wiki

  • If you're always lost going on our Wiki, here's a direct link to the general computing User Pages: https://wiki.lepp.cornell.edu/lepp/bin/view/Computing/UserInformation
  • From that page, you can select your Operating System (Windows, Linux, Mac) for more info specific to those OSs, or you can scroll down to see LOTS of general computing information.
  • When the Computer Group says something is "On the Wiki", we often place it in those two locations.
  • Another way to find the LEPP Wiki is to go to the main LEPP Web site at http://www.lepp.cornell.edu Select "User Resources" and then select "Computing". Near the bottom of that page, select the link "Computer Group home page".

Network Status Page (Does the LEPP Computer Group know there is a problem?)

LNS123 is down (NCD X-Terminals affected)

  • LNS123, the primary public NCD Xterminal boot server, has died. Please notify the LEPP computer group if you need to use an NCD Xterminal which will not boot so we can change its boot server to LNS101.

This and past LEPP computing newsletters are available on the Web at
Topic revision: r15 - 07 May 2013, DevinBougie
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