
LEPP Computing Newsletter EXTRA! -- Monday afternoon, January 3, 2011

The New Physical Sciences Building

Later this week, many people will be moving from their current offices to new ones in the Physical Sciences Building. Getting the network and their computers to cooperate will keep members of the LEPP computer group quite busy, so response to other problems will be delayed.

The most frequently asked questions have been



  • Q: Will network connections be available?
  • A:
    • Wireless:
      • Red Rover will be the only wireless networking in the building. It is expected to be available by the afternoon of January 5th.
      • "LNS Protected" wireless networking will NOT be available in the PSB.
    • Wired:
      • LEPP "public" networking, which is used by LEPP desktop computers, is expected to be available on jack A1 (or sometimes B1) in all one and two person offices by the afternoon of January 5th.
      • "LNS Protected" networking, which is normally used for laptops in LEPP, is expected to be available on jack A2 (or sometimes B2) in all one and two person offices by the afternoon of January 5th.
      • Network switches will be installed in all dual-occupancy offices to provide access to the two LEPP networks for both occupants.
      • Wired networking in grad offices, labs and other spaces will use jacks appropriate to the room configuration and will be installed after those in one and two person offices.


  • Q: How do I print? What printers will be available and where will they be located?
  • A:
    • The Newman third floor printer will be moved from N327 to the 4th floor copier room. The queue name will be PSB4_XRX_4510
    • A new black-and-white printer will be provided on the PSB's 3rd floor in a room to be determined. The queue name will be PSB3_BR_5370
    • Color printing will not be available in the PSB for a while.
Topic revision: r8 - 07 Feb 2011, DevinBougie
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