
Peer-to-Peer File Sharing at CLASSE

Please do not run peer-to-peer file sharing software like Gnutella or BitTorrent on systems connected to the CLASSE network.

DMCA incidents have resulted in CLASSE network traffic being blocked. To avoid disruption of the research being performed at CLASSE, please don't use any peer-to-peer file sharing services. We'd prefer that such software not be present on computers connected to the Lab's network. If you need help removing such file sharing software from your computer, please contact any member of the CLASSE IT group.

In January of 2003, Cornell University distributed an update to the official policy and procedures regarding the DMCA (Digital Millenium Copyright Act) and file sharing to all members of the Cornell community. One of its provisions is that if a copyright violation is reported, they'll immediately disable the IP address before verifying that a violation has taken place. Since all of the systems on the "LNS Protected" subnet (used by laptops at CLASSE) share the same IP addresses, DMCA incidents have caused the Laboratory serious problems.

In addition to the legal liabilities, peer-to-peer file sharing software has serious security and traffic implications. Some of them are spelled out in the document below.

Use of such software for personal entertainment has other implications. Please read Maury Tigner's comments on such use of CLASSE resources.

Cornell's DMCA notice mentions a court case against Verizon. Here are some descriptions of the case:

"The Digital Millenium Copyright Act" is the name given to the U.S. Federal Copyright law. The text of the law is available on the Web server of Cornell's Law School at http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/ch12.html

-- DevinBougie - 29 Mar 2005
Topic revision: r5 - 26 Oct 2015, SeldenBallJr
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