
How to View Headers (Pictorial Version)

Outlook's "Message Options..." menu displays a message's header. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a keyboard shortcut to access this menu.

Add "Message Options" to the "Quick Access Toolbar" (this only has to be done once).

1. Double-Click on the Quick Access Toolbar's "Customize" icon. (It's almost invisible.)
capture 015 16122011 132249.png

2. Select the "More Commands..." menu item
capture 016 16122011 132503.png

3a. Open the "Choose Commands From..." drop-down menu
3b Select the item "All Commands"
capture 017 16122011 132726.png

4a. Scroll way down in the "Customize" menu
4b. Select the item "Message Options..."
5. Select the "Add >>>" button to add the item to the right-hand "Customize Quick Access Toolbar" pane
6. Select OK
capture 018 16122011 133614.png

Use "Message Options" to view headers

1. Select (single-click highlight) the desired message. Do not open (double click) the message.
capture 019 16122011 141625.png

2. In the "Quick Access Toolbar", select the "Message Options..." icon, which opens a (mis-titled) "Properties" popup window.
capture 022 16122011 141849.png

3. Scroll through the headers in the lower pane of the "Properties" popup window.
capture 023 16122011 142110.png
Topic revision: r2 - 19 Dec 2011, seb
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