
Powering Down Your Computer (Winter holiday, December 25, 2014 - January 4, 2015)

To the CLASSE Computing Community:

As in recent years, the CLASSE computer group is making the following recommendations for the holiday period from December 25, 2014 through January 4, 2015:
  1. If you will be leaving for the holidays and have a desktop computer used only by yourself in Wilson, Newman or the Physical Sciences Building, please do a "graceful shutdown" of your computer before you leave.
  2. Of course, if you expect to use your desktop computer from a remote location, then you should turn off only its display and not the computer itself.
  3. Turn off only your computer's display if you will be away from your computer only for a night or weekend. Do not turn off the computer itself. Leaving it on makes it possible to apply security fixes and install software updates while the computer is unattended.
  4. Please use a blank screen saver when your computer is idle. Dynamic screen-savers increase power consumption and do not further the goals of the Lab.

if you have any questions about these recommendations, please send email to service-classe@cornell.edu

December 15, 2014
Topic revision: r15 - 22 Dec 2014, SeldenBallJr
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