
Printing from a Linux Laptop

With the various distributions and releases of Linux, we cannot provide specific instructions that will work for everyone. In general, however, the following should work.

  1. View the list of PrinterList for the Printer/Queue name of the printer you would like to add.
  2. Add a printer to your system, using the following settings.
    1. The "Connection Type" should be LPD/LPR
    2. The "Device URI" should be, for example, lpd://cups.lns.cornell.edu/w207_xrx_3450. In some configuration tools, this is created by setting the printer's "Hostname" to cups.lns.cornell.edu and the "Printername" or "Queue name" to w207_xrx_3450.
    3. The printer "Make" should be Generic, and the "Model" should be PostScript Printer.
Topic revision: r4 - 07 May 2013, DevinBougie
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