Submit Mathematica Script to Batch
We will assume that your mathematica script
is already in the area where you intend to do your work.
1. Copy the files runmath_qsub and runmathforqsub into your work area, and do
chmod +x runmath*
Here is runmath_qsub:
#$ -S /bin/bash
# Usage: runmath_qsub <yourmathematicascript.m>
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
echo Command received: $0
echo "Usage: ./runmath_qsub <yourmathematicascript.m>"
exit 1
OPTIONS="-q all.q@lnx651*,all.q@ilc32*"
qsub ${OPTIONS} -N $1 -m abe -M ${MAIL} -o ${WORKSPACE} -e ${WORKSPACE} ${WORKSPACE}/runmathforqsub ${WORKSPACE}/$1
and here is runmathforqsub:
#$ -S /bin/bash
#$ -l arch=lx24-x86
math -noprompt -run "<<$1"
2. Edit runmath_qsub to supply the proper parameters for WORKSPACE,
MAIL, and OPTIONS. You will need to replace:
in WORKSPACE "/cdat/tem/user/mywork" --> your working area
in MAIL "" --> your mail address.
Note: OPTIONS can be set to the null string if your job is not
especially computationally intensive. This will allow the job to run
on the less powerful linux CPUs in the grid as well.
3. In the near future, many of the batch nodes will be converted from
32-bit SL-4 to the 64-bit SL-5 operating system. If you want your job
to run on the 64-bit SL-5 nodes, replace the second line of runmathforqsub:
"#$ -l arch=lx24-x86" --> "#$ -l arch=lx24-amd64"
4. You're now ready to run jobs! In the terminal, go to your work
area and type
./runmath_qsub yourmathematicascript.m
, where yourmathematicascript.m represents your Mathematica script.
You will get an email when the job has started processing and when it has an
error or when it finishes (This was specified by the -m abe
command on the last line of runmath_qsub).
Any text-only mathematica output will be saved in the file
yourmathematicascript.m.o123456 and any error messages are displayed
in yourmathematicascript.m.e.123456
The above example was provided by David Curtin and edited by David Kreinick, with help from the Computer Group