Ultrix Software Product Library: August 1995

Ultrix Software Product Library: August 1995

                    ULTRIX VAX and ULTRIX RISC
                    Master Index


                    August 1995

                    This document lists all products for this release
                    of the ULTRIX VAX and ULTRIX RISC Software Product
                    Library Distribution.

                    Revision/Update Information:  This is a revised

                    Digital Equipment Corporation
                    Maynard, Massachusetts

              August 1995

              The optical disc publication and all component parts as
              appearing herein are copyrighted.

              Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations
              that the use of its products in the manner described in
              this publication will not infringe on existing or future
              patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this
              publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use,
              or sell equipment or software in accordance with the

              Possession, use, or copying of the software described in
              this publication is authorized only pursuant to a valid
              written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor.

              © Digital Equipment Corporation 1995. All rights reserved.

              The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment
              Corporation: BASEstar, DEC, DEC Ada, DEC C++, DECdesign,
              DECexpress, DECforms, DEC FUSE, DEC GKS, DECimage, DECmcc,
              DECmessageQ, DECndu, DECnet, DECnsr, DEComni, DEC OPS5,
              DEC Pascal, DECquery, DEC Reliable Transaction Router,
              DECsafe, DECserver, DEC Wanrouter, DECwindows, DECwrite,
              Digital, HUBwatch, InfoServer, MAILbus, MUXserver,
              PATHWORKS, POLYCENTER, PrintServer, StorageServer, TeMIP,
              ULTRIX, VAX, and the DIGITAL logo.

              The following is a third-party trademark:
              OSI is a registered trademark of CA Management, Inc.
              SoftPC is a trademark of Insignia Solutions, Inc.

              All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the
              property of their respective holders.

              This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT Version 2.1.


                 ULTRIX August 1995 Software Product Library Master Index

              This index lists the layered products contained on the
              ULTRIX VAX and ULTRIX RISC Software Product Library

              The columns in Table 1-1 and Table 1-2 contain the
              following information:


              Product Name  The name of the product.

              Vers.         The version number of the product.

              UPI           The unique product identifier.

              Status        New indicates that the product is a new
                            addition to the CD-ROM.
                            Updated indicates the product has been
                            updated since the last issue.

              CD            The number of the CD-ROM on which the product
                            is located.

              Directory     The name of the product's directory on the

             ULTRIX August 1995 Software Product Library Master Index 1-1

        ULTRIX August 1995 Software Product Library Master Index



        ULTRIX Operating System    4.4    VYVAA           1   /udt440

        BASEstar For ULTRIX        1.0A   XA4AA           1   /bas10a

        DEC Ada                    1.1    GZQAA           1   /ada110

        DEC C++ for ULTRIX         1.2A   MG5AA           1   /cxx12a

        DEC Computer Integrated    3.0    GMUAA           1   /rtc300
        Telephony Applications
        for ULTRIX

        DEC FAXserver for RISC     1.0A   XUUAA           2   /fax10a

        DEC FullSail               1.2    01KAA           1   /fsr120

        DEC GKS for RISC           6.0    MLDAA           1   /gud600

        DEC GKS for RISC           6.0    MLEAA           1   /gur600

        DEC LMF License Usage      1.0    MVZAA           1   /lum100
        Monitor for ULTRIX

        DEC Network Save and       2.1A   GZKAA           1   /brx21a
        Restore (DECnsr) for

        DEC OPS5 for RISC          4.0A   MKMAA           2   /ops40a

        DEC OSI Application        1.1    GZSAA           2   /otr110
        Developer's Toolkit

        DEC Pascal for ULTRIX      1.2    VV4AA           1   /pas120

        DEC Reliable Transaction   1.0    MQCAA           1   /rtr100
        Router for ULTRIX RISC

        DEC SoftPC for ULTRIX      4.0    YP7AA           1   /spc400

        DEC Text Processing        3.0    MC6AA           1   /tpu300
        Utility (DECtpu)

        DEC Wide Area Network      2.1B   YMJAA           1   /wdd21b
        Device Drivers for ULTRIX

                                                 (continued on next page)

        1-2 ULTRIX August 1995 Software Product Library Master Index

                 ULTRIX August 1995 Software Product Library Master Index



        DEC X.25 Gateway Client    1.1B   YTAAA           1   /xxr11b
        for ULTRIX

        DEC X.25 Native Mode for   1.1B   YSYAA           1   /xnr11b

        DEC X.500 Directory        1.3    0P7AA           2   /dxd130

        DECelx Realtime Tools for  2.0A   MFNAA           2   /elx20a

        DECelx Realtime Tools for  2.0A   MFPAA           2   /elb20a
        ULTRIX (BSP for MIPS)

        DECelx Realtime Tools for  2.0A   MFQAA           2   /ela20a
        ULTRIX (BSP for 68K)

        DECmessageQ for UNIX       3.0A   MK6AA           1   /dmu30a
        Development (Server)

        DECmessageQ for UNIX       3.0A   MKCAA           1   /dmu30a
        Run-time Only (Server)

        DECndu Utility for ULTRIX  2.0    YWYAA           1   /ndu200

        DECnet SNA Gateway for     2.1A   VC9AC           1   /ctr21a
        Channel Transport

        DECnet SNA Gateway for     1.2A   S01AC           2   /syr12a
        Synchronous Transport

        DECnet/OSI for ULTRIX      5.1A   YT9AA           1   /dnp51a

        DECOMNI for ULTRIX         2.0A   MLSAA           2   /dou20a

        DECosapfor ULTRIX          2.0A   MLUAA           2   /sap20a

        DECsafe Failover           1.0A   072AA           2   /dha10a

        DECserver 250 for ULTRIX   2.0    VTNAA           1   /dp2200

        DECserver 500 for ULTRIX   2.1    03KAC           1   /dr5210

        DECserver 700 for ULTRIX   1.1B   XA5A9           1   /ds711b

        DECserver 90TL for ULTRIX  1.1B   MJPA9           1   /ds911b

        DECview3D for ULTRIX       2.2    MLVAA           2   /v3d220

                                                 (continued on next page)

             ULTRIX August 1995 Software Product Library Master Index 1-3

        ULTRIX August 1995 Software Product Library Master Index



        DECview3D CVE Module for   2.2    MQWAA           2   /cve220

        DECwindows/Hebrew Motif    1.1    YMBTA           2   /dxh110
        for ULTRIX

        DECwrite for ULTRIX        2.1    YG1AA           3   /dpd210

        DECwrite/Deutsch for RISC  2.1    YG1GA           3   /drg210

        DECwrite/Français for      2.1    YG1PA           3   /drp210

        DECwrite/Hebrew for        2.1    YG1TA           3   /drh210

        DECwrite/Italiano for      2.1    YG1UA           3   /dri210

        Digital DCE Starter        1.0    MJGAA           2   /dcerts100
        Kit for ULTRIX (RISC
        - Runtime)

        Digital DCE Starter        1.0    MJKAA           2   /dceadk100
        Kit for ULTRIX (RISC
        - Development)

        Digital DCE Starter        1.0    MJNAA           2   /dcecds100
        Kit for ULTRIX (RISC
        - Server)

        DRV11-WA/DRV1W ULTRIX      1.0    YLKAA           1   /xar100

        InfoServer Client for      1.1    YSHAB           2   /lpm110

        MAILbus View for ULTRIX    1.0    2B5AA           2   /bci100

        MUXserver 300 Remote       1.3    VZHAA           1   /ms3130
        Terminal Server

        MUXserver 320/380/90       2.0    YWLAB           2   /m32200
        Remote Terminal Server

        OSI Application Toolkit    5.1A   OSIAP_          1   /oar51a

                                                 (continued on next page)

        1-4 ULTRIX August 1995 Software Product Library Master Index

                 ULTRIX August 1995 Software Product Library Master Index



        POLYCENTER Common Agent    1.1    00PAA           3   /ecm110
        Base Kit for ULTRIX

        POLYCENTER Common Agent    1.1    00VAA           3   /edm110
        Developer's Toolkit for

        POLYCENTER Console         1.5    MU1AA           3   /dcr150

        POLYCENTER Console         1.5A   MU1AA           3   /dcr15a

        POLYCENTER Extended LAN    1.4    MGUAA           3   /elu140

        POLYCENTER Fault           1.4    MDMAA           3   /mcr140
        Diagnostic Package

        POLYCENTER Framework       1.4    GU3AA           3   /mcrdir140

        POLYCENTER Framework       1.4    GU7AA           3   /mcctk140
        Developer's Toolkit

        POLYCENTER Framework       1.4    MDPAA           3   /mch140
        Historian Option

        POLYCENTER Framework       1.4    MDTAA           3   /mnp140
        Notification Option

        POLYCENTER Network         1.4    GU5AA           3   /pnm140
        Manager 200

        POLYCENTER Network         1.4    MDRAA           3   /mps140
        Statistics Option

        POLYCENTER Network         1.4    MDKAA           3   /mcp140
        Topology Option

        POLYCENTER Performance     1.2    0QHAA           3   /pyr120
        Solution for UNIX SupportedHardware

        POLYCENTER Scheduler       2.1B   MQ4AA           3   /oss21b
        (Agent ULTRIX RISC)

        POLYCENTER Security        2.4    MLBAA           3   /sur240
        Compliance Manager for

                                                 (continued on next page)

             ULTRIX August 1995 Software Product Library Master Index 1-5

        ULTRIX August 1995 Software Product Library Master Index



        POLYCENTER Security        1.0    NB7AA           3   /xid100
        Intrusion Detector for

        POLYCENTER System Census   1.1    ML3AA           3   /scx110
        for OpenVMS VAX and

        POLYCENTER System          2.2    3F3AA           3   /wus220
        Watchdog Consolidator

        POLYCENTER System          2.2    3F4AA           3   /wra220
        Watchdog AGENT

        PrintServer Software       5.1    0V9AB  Updated  1   /lsh510

        Reliable Broadcast         1.0    22MAA           1   /rbr100
        Software (DECrbs)

        TeMIP for ULTRIX (Full     1.1    0E3AA           2   /tnm110

        TeMIP for ULTRIX (Alarm    1.1    0E4AA           2   /tnm110

        TeMIP for ULTRIX (Event    1.1    0E5AA           2   /tnm110

        TeMIP for ULTRIX (Alarm    1.1    1E6AA           2   /tnm110
        Handling & Event Logging)

        TeMIP for ULTRIX (Trouble  1.1    1E7AA           2   /tnm110

        ULTRIX Disk Shadowing      1.1A   GMPAA           1   /shr11a

        ULTRIX Worksystem          4.3    20GVA           1   /dxc430
        Software User Interface
        RISC Cesky

        ULTRIX Worksystem          4.3    20GUA           1   /dxu430
        Software User Interface
        RISC Magyar

        ULTRIX Worksystem          4.3    20FWA           1   /dxp430
        Software User Interface
        RISC Polski

                                                 (continued on next page)

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                 ULTRIX August 1995 Software Product Library Master Index



        ULTRIX Worksystem          4.3    20GXA           1   /dxr430
        Software User Interface
        RISC Russkij

        ULTRIX Worksystem          4.3    20GSA           1   /dxs430
        Software User Interface
        RISC Slovensky

        ULTRIX Worksystem          4.3    20F6A           1   /dxt430
        Software User Interface

             ULTRIX August 1995 Software Product Library Master Index 1-7

        ULTRIX August 1995 Software Product Library Master Index



        ULTRIX OPERATING SYSTEM    4.4    VEYAA           1   /ult440

        DEC Computer Integrated    3.0    GMVAA           1   /vtc300
        Telephony Applications

        DEC Network Save and       2.1A   GZKAA           1   /brx21a
        Restore (DECnsr) for

        DEC Wide Area Device       2.1A   YMKAA           1   /wdv21a
        Drivers for ULTRIX

        DEC X.25 Native Mode for   1.1A   YSZAA           1   /vxn11a

        DEC X.25 Gateway Client    1.1A   YTBAA           1   /xxv11a
        for ULTRIX

        DECmessageQ for ULTRIX     3.0A   MK5AA           1   /dmv30a
        /VAX Development (Server)

        DECmessageQ for ULTRIX     3.0A   MKBAA           1   /dmv30a
        /VAX Run-time only

        DECndu Utility for ULTRIX  2.0    YWXAA           1   /ndv200

        DECnet/OSI for ULTRIX      5.1A   716AA           1   /dnu51a

        DECnet/SNA Gateway for     2.1A   VC9AB           1   /ctv21a
        Channel Transport

        DECnet/SNA Gateway for     1.2A   S01AB           1   /syv12a

        DECserver 250 for ULTRIX   2.0    VTNAA           1   /dp2200

        DECserver 500 for ULTRIX   2.1    03KAB           1   /ds5210

        DECserver 700 for ULTRIX   1.1B   XA5A9           1   /ds711b

        DECserver 90TL for ULTRIX  1.1B   MJPA9           1   /ds911b

        Digital DCE Starter        1.0    MJFAA           1   /dcerts100
        Kit for ULTRIX (VAX -

                                                 (continued on next page)

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                 ULTRIX August 1995 Software Product Library Master Index



        Digital DCE Starter        1.0    MJJAA           1   /dceadk100
        Kit for ULTRIX (VAX -

        Digital DCE Starter Kit    1.0    MJMAA           1   /dcecds100
        for ULTRIX (VAX - Server)

        Digital Extended Math      1.0    GKKAA           1   /xmv100
        Library for ULTRIX

        DRV11-WA/DRV1W ULTRIX      1.0    YLJAA           1   /xav100

        InfoServer Client for      1.1    YSHAC           1   /lpv110

        MUXserver 300 Remote       1.3    VZHAA           1   /ms3130
        Terminal Server

        MUXserver 320/380/90       2.0    YWLAB           1   /m32200
        Remote Terminal Server

        OSI Application Toolkit    5.1A   OSIAP_          1   /oav51a

        POLYCENTER Security        2.4    MLAAA           1   /suv240
        Compliance Manager for

        POLYCENTER System          2.2    3F1AA           1   /wvs220
        Watchdog Consolidator

        POLYCENTER System          2.2    3F2AA           1   /wva220
        Watchdog AGENT

        PrintServer Software       5.1    0V9AB  Updated  1   /lsh510


             ULTRIX August 1995 Software Product Library Master Index 1-9

Topic revision: r3 - 09 Dec 2014, admin-dab66
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