
Upgrading the hard drive on your Linux Laptop

Following are general steps to take when upgrading the hard drive in your laptop.
  1. Connect the new HD, either via a USB or PCMCIA connector
  2. Partition the new HD as you would like and mount the new partitions
  3. Copy individual partitions from your existing HD to the new HD. Don't worry about copying the /proc and /tmp directories.
    • cp -ax /boot/* /mnt/hde2/
  4. Edit /boot/grub/grub.conf and /etc/fstab on the new partitions to reflect the new partitioning scheme
  5. Install grub onto the bootloader of your desired drive. In this example, the new boot partition is currently /dev/hde2
    • grub
      • device (hd0) /dev/hde
      • root (hd0,1)
      • setup (hd0)
      • quit
  6. Shutdown system, replace hard drive, cross fingers, and boot!
    • If you made a mistake and are unable to boot, you should be able to boot into rescue mode off an installation disk and correct what's needed.

-- DevinBougie - 06 Oct 2004
Topic revision: r2 - 06 Oct 2004, DevinBougie
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