Web Content at CLASSE
There are several tools and solutions to providing both public and private web pages at CLASSE.
Public Web Servers
Public web servers provide the face for CLASSE to the general public. They are generally managed by the communications group or individuals, and new content and revisions must be approved by the heads of each program.
The CLASSE wiki provides a collaborative environment to maintain documentation. Most projects and groups have a publicly available top directory for "internal" documentation that should be generally available to the public. For example,
In addition, each project and group usually has a Private subdirectory that is only available to specific CLASSE Personnel. For example,
For an introduction to using the CLASSE wiki, please see
Personal Home Pages
Everyone with a CLASSE account can also create their own "personal home page" using their CLASSE home directory. Anything created in your
directory is publicly available, and anything created in
is only available to CLASSE personnel.
For more on creating personal home pages, please see
PersonalHomePages .
Support Policy
All public facing pages and applications will be scanned by Cornell's AppSpider vulnerability scanning service.
We will continue to allow individuals to manage their own public web pages as long as they do not cause any support problems, but keep in mind that:
- Use of CLASSE computing resources must comply with the relevant lab and University policies, including
- Computer equipment at CLASSE is funded specifically for the purpose of advancing CLASSE physics analysis and detector and accelerator development. We will not provide additional disk, network or CPU resources to support personal web pages that are not directly related to the laboratory's purpose.
Use some common sense, taste, and consideration for the lab resources involved when you create your own web pages. Do not serve pages that will cause huge amounts of traffic and are unrelated to the mission of the lab, and respect copyright and other applicable laws and university policies.