Here is a incomplete list of Object Relational Mapping (ORM) Tools for python. * SQLObject * forgetSQL * SQLAlchemy * Modeling Object relation Bridge ...
Turbogears is a rapid development web application framework. It uses different building blocks: * MochiKit is a clean and powerful Ja... The Modeling framework intends to fill the gap between the python object world and relational databases. It relies on a ...
Webware for Python : It's a suite for developing object oriented, web based applications. It does object relational mapping, and ...
Python Web Service : It is a library for developing web services. The libraries import protocols for SOAP, WSDL, and others. SO...
Zope : usually used for content management systems, this network application server platform includes a component for relational database mappin...
Nonfunctional Requirements for CMS DBS 1. There is a limit on how many events can be in a single job. 1. Tier 1 Production must continue if connection with ...
Business Rules 1. An experimental group will not publish data until it has written papers about it themselves. 1. For each new version of software, you have...
Scope We keep a quick reminder of the scope of these use cases at the top of our list. It should guide us in choosing which scenarios to pursue in detail and whic...
The goal of this proposal is to reduce the amount of high level human intervention required in the EventStore data life cycle by automatically generating the spec...
This page records various design issues for the Event Store. 2005/05/09 * EventStore file format description: * binary_location_format.html: This is the des...
CLEOc Data Path Specification The following elements were considered for inclusion in the data path spec: * Experiment: CLEO3, CLEOc * Source: detector (daq...
this is a raw cut paste of an email from jed Below is an attempt to list all the steps that need to occur for Pass2 in an attempt to get a more systematic appro...
Event Store Administration Event Store (ES) administration is a most complicated and challenging task. It needs to deal with different underlying databases, a var...
Main.ChrisDJones 18 Dec 2004 * Defective.22615RENAMED.ppt: Powerpoint from Marc Paterno (on C committee) * AnalysisSupport.pdf: D0 and CDF experience from ...
Main.ValentinKuznetsov 01 Dec 2004 Missing features add skim listing within a grade for given (grade, time stamp) (done 2004/12/03) while executing eventstore c...
Release changes 1. have lib*.so have the name of the release as part of its file name 1. have *.so have the name of the release as part of its file name ...
EventStore Schedule 0. Prerequisites things we need some agreement on early on; no product deployment is associated with this milestone. * Tools: * We...