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50 recent changes in ILC/WWS Web retrieved at 10:37 (Local)

WebStatistics %LOCKED% 06 Oct 2024 - 00:19 - r2576 AdminUser Statistics for ILC/WWS Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: ... WebTopicCreator %LOCKED% 13 Nov 2017 - 16:10 - r2 UnknownUser

NotifyText %LOCKED% 09 Dec 2013 - 10:02 - r4 DevinBougie Dear CLASSE Wiki user, Your NotifyText page has been edited. Please review the following page for any unauthorized changes: WWS.Projects.NotifyText For your con... AddInformationProjectPage %LOCKED% 09 Dec 2013 - 10:00 - r8 DevinBougie Work to be done by the project Contact Review your page. You (the project Contact) have been assigned a web site registration name and password. The registration... InstructionsAdministrators %LOCKED% 09 Dec 2013 - 10:00 - r11 DevinBougie Instructions for Register Administrators List of projects with open issues Create the link on the system page. Create the new project page. Register a new ... CalArgonneRPC %LOCKED% 09 Dec 2013 - 09:58 - r16 DevinBougie Project: Digital Hadron Calorimeter with RPCs Contact: Jos Repond (Argonne National Laboratory, USA) mail System: Calorimetry As... TrackLCTPCcollabCollaborators %LOCKED% 12 Mar 2009 - 11:45 - r59 DanPeterson LC TPC: Collaborative Projects AMERICA CANADA Carleton Univ. v, Ottawa, ON K1S 5B6, Canada * A. Bellerive mail * K... TrkCantabriaAlignSiLCCollaborators %LOCKED% 04 Apr 2007 - 13:03 - r4 IvanVila "R D for the alignment of the Silicon LC tracker" Instituto de Física de Cantabria (CSIC UNICAN) , Spain * Iv n Vila email ... WebLeftBar %LOCKED% 21 Aug 2006 - 12:10 - r11 DevinBougie WWS Home * Contact Information * LEP/MDI * VTX * TRACK Si * TRACK GAS * CAL * MUON * PID * DAQ * SOLENOID * GLD * LDC * SID WebHome %LOCKED% 09 Jun 2006 - 17:31 - r51 DanPeterson The World Wide Study Organizing Committee (WWSOC) has established the Detector R D Panel to promote and coordinate detector R D for the International Linear Colli... TrackLCTPCcollab %LOCKED% 04 Jun 2006 - 11:09 - r17 DevinBougie (incomplete, missing: presentation, funding) Project: LC TPC: Large Collaborative Projects Contact: Ron Settles (Max Plank Institut fuer Physik, Munich, Ge... WebPreferences %LOCKED% 31 May 2006 - 17:21 - r13 DevinBougie ILC/WWS Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the ILC/WWS web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in . and , a... FreeSkinPosTopic %LOCKED% 17 May 2006 - 12:22 - r6 DevinBougie

FreeSkinPreTopic %LOCKED% 17 May 2006 - 12:22 - r21 DevinBougie

VtxAghSoiCollaborators %LOCKED% 26 Apr 2006 - 06:45 - r8 HalinaNiemiec "SOI based vertex detector" AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland * Halina Niemiec mail * Wojciech Kucewicz mailt... TrackVictoriaTPC %LOCKED% 07 Apr 2006 - 10:12 - r18 DanPeterson Project: Performance studies in magnetic fields Contact: Dean Karlen (University of Victoria and TRIUMF, Canada) mail System: Trackin... VtxMpiMunichDEPFETCollaborators %LOCKED% 16 Feb 2006 - 08:12 - r13 LadislavAndricek "DEPFET vertex detector" RWTH Aachen, Germany * Lutz Feld * Waclaw Karpinski * Katja Klein Bonn University, Germany * Robert Kohrs * Hans Krueger ... WebAtom %LOCKED% 24 Jan 2006 - 01:07 - r2 TWikiContributor CLASSE Wiki's ILC/WWS web CalDesyZeuthenForwardCollaborators %LOCKED% 12 Jan 2006 - 11:16 - r7 WolfgangLohmann "R D for the TESLA Detector: Instrumentation of the very forward region" VINCA Institut of Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia * Ivanka Bozovic Jelisavcic ... Project %LOCKED% 11 Jan 2006 - 11:43 - r4 DanPeterson What is a "project" ? The WWS Detector R D Panel has been charged to maintain a register of R D programs and to assess those programs in terms of their relevance... RegisterAdminitrator %LOCKED% 11 Jan 2006 - 11:33 - NEW DanPeterson Register Administrator / Twiki Administrator Send all requests and questions to the "register administrator", Dan Peterson . Do ... InstructionsProjectLeaders %LOCKED% 11 Jan 2006 - 11:32 - r12 DanPeterson Multi step instructions to add an R D project to the register Step 1: The Project leader must email the Panel chair to provide al... TrackSiForProjects %LOCKED% 11 Jan 2006 - 11:25 - r20 DanPeterson Project Links: Tracking Silicon Individual Projects $ Brown University: Simulation Studies for a Silicon Tracker $ University of California at Santa Cruz ... TrackTpcProjects %LOCKED% 11 Jan 2006 - 11:20 - r18 DanPeterson Project Links: Tracking Gaseous Individual Projects $ Carleton University, TRIUMF, University of Montreal, Dapnia, CEA, Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, LAL, Orsay (affil... InstructionsContacts %LOCKED% 11 Jan 2006 - 11:12 - r17 DanPeterson INSTRUCTIONS for updating EXISTING Project pages (for PROJECT CONTACTS) Note: Project Contacts will no longer edit the main project pages. Follow the instruct... CalProjects %LOCKED% 11 Jan 2006 - 10:59 - r42 DanPeterson Project Links: Calorimetry (ECAL, HCAL, forward) Individual Projects $ Annecy le Vieux (LAPP), University of Oregon, SLAC: (incomplete) Conceptual Design for a... CalDesyZeuthenForwardStatement %LOCKED% 11 Jan 2006 - 07:58 - r10 WolfgangLohmann "R D for the TESLA Detector: Instrumentation of the very forward region " The goal of the R D project is the development of calorimeter technologies to instrumen... VtxSlacPixelSim %LOCKED% 05 Jan 2006 - 13:47 - r4 DanPeterson (incomplete: participating individuals) Project: Pixel Vertex Detector Simulation and Design Optimization Contact: Su Dong ( SLAC , USA ) mailto:sudong@s... VtxProjects %LOCKED% 05 Jan 2006 - 13:46 - r31 DanPeterson Project Links: Vertexing $ RWTH Aachen, Bonn University, Mannheim University, and MPI Munich, Halbleiterlabor: (incomplete) DEPFET vertex detector $ AGH, Un... VtxSlacPixelSimCollaborators %LOCKED% 05 Jan 2006 - 13:04 - r2 DanPeterson "Pixel Vertex Detector Simulation and Design Optimization" SLAC, USA * Su Dong mail * Collaborator Name mailto:name@p... CalArgonneRPCCollaborators %LOCKED% 04 Jan 2006 - 16:55 - r5 JoseRepond "Digital Hadron Calorimeter with RPCs" Argonne National Laboratory, USA * Gary Drake mail * Victor Guarino mailto:vjg@hep.a... CalDREAM %LOCKED% 04 Jan 2006 - 16:05 - r6 DanPeterson (incomplete: concept affiliation, web page, presentation, statement, funding) Project: DREAM Contact: Richard Wigmans (Texas Tech University, USA) mailto:wi... AdminiPractice2 %LOCKED% 04 Jan 2006 - 13:21 - r5 DanPeterson Project Links: Calorimetry (ECAL, HCAL, forward) Individual Projects $ Argonne National Laboratory, Boston University, University of Chicago, Fermilab, Univers... VtxBnlAps %LOCKED% 03 Jan 2006 - 19:50 - r3 DanPeterson (incomplete: web page, participating individuals) Project: Development of Position and Time Sensing APSs for Tracking and Vertexing at the ILC Contact: Pav... CalCaliceEcalCollaborators %LOCKED% 03 Jan 2006 - 16:31 - r3 PaulDauncey " Highly segmented electromagnetic calorimeter" Birmingham University, UK * Nigel Watson mail Cambridge University, UK * Dav... VtxBnlApsStatement %LOCKED% 30 Dec 2005 - 18:58 - NEW DanPeterson "Development of Position and Time Sensing APSs for Tracking and Vertexing at the ILC" * What are the goals of this R D project. How does this R D project address... VtxBnlApsCollaborators %LOCKED% 30 Dec 2005 - 18:57 - NEW DanPeterson "Development of Position and Time Sensing APSs for Tracking and Vertexing at the ILC" Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA * Pavel Rehak TrkCarletonTPCStatement %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 18:18 - r6 DanPeterson "TPC Resolution studies using the concept of charge dispersion in MPGDs with a resistive anode" A TPC read out with a system of Micro Pattern Gas Detectors (MPGD... MuonInfnRpc %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 17:08 - r7 DanPeterson (incomplete, missing: concept affiliation, web page, collaborators, statement, funding) Project: CAPIRE (glass RPC) Contact: Marcello Piccolo (INFN Frascat... MuonWayneScint %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 17:06 - r8 DanPeterson Project: Scintillator Based Muon System R D Contact: Paul Karchin (Wayne State University , USA) mail System: Muon System ... CalUtaHadron %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 16:59 - r12 DanPeterson (incomplete, missing: web page, funding) Project: Digital Hadron Calorimetry using Gas Electron Multiplier Technology Contact: Andy White (University of ... CalPadovaEcal %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 16:55 - r4 DanPeterson Project: LCcal (Electromagnetic calorimeter with hybrid technique: scintillator si pads.) Contact: Paolo Checchia (INFN Padova, Italy) mailto:paolo.checchia@... CalOregonFreySiW %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 16:53 - r16 DanPeterson Project: Development of a silicon tungsten test module for an electromagnetic calorimeter Contact: Raymond Frey (University of Oregon, USA) mailto:rayfrey@cosmi... CalKekGLD %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 16:51 - r10 DanPeterson (incomplete, missing: funding) Project: GLD CAL Contact: Kiyotomo Kawagoe (Kobe University, Japan) mailto:kawagoe@phys.sci.kobe mail System: Ca... CalIowaPfa %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 16:34 - r10 DanPeterson (incomplete, missing: funding) Project: Establishing a Particle Flow Algorithm with the SiD Calorimeter for the ILC Contact: Usha Mallik (The University of... CalDesyZeuthenForward %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 16:30 - r11 DanPeterson (incomplete, missing: concept affiliation, presentation, funding) Project: R D for the TESLA Detector: Instrumentation of the very forward region Contact: ... CalCALICE %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 14:51 - r13 DanPeterson (incomplete, missing: concept affiliation, web page, presentation, funding) Project: CALICE Contact: Jean Claude Brient (Ecole Polytechnique, France) mai... CalColoradoTile %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 14:51 - r8 DanPeterson (incomplete, missing: presentation) Project: Offset Tile Calorimetry R D Contact: Uriel Nauenberg (U. of Colorado at Boulder, USA) TrackMpiTPC %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 13:36 - r11 DanPeterson Project: Studies with the MPI prototype Contact: Ron Settles (Max Plank Institut fuer Physik, Munich, Germany) mail System: tra... TrackLouisianaTechGEM %LOCKED% 29 Dec 2005 - 13:35 - r2 DanPeterson (incomplete, missing: collaborators) Project: Development of GEM based Forward Tracking Prototypes for the ILC Contact: Lee Sawyer ( Louisiana Tech Univers...

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