Project: TPC Resolution studies using the concept of charge dispersion in MPGDs with a resistive anode
Contact: Alain Bellerive (Carleton University, Canada) mail
System: Tracking
Assisting Panel Member: Harry Weerts
Participating Institutions:
(participating individuals)
- Carleton University,
- University of Montreal
- Orsay
- Saclay
Detector Concept Affiliation: LDC, GLD
This project is affiliated with the LC-TPC collaboration.
Web page:
Recent presentations/publications:
- Nucl.Inst.Meth. A538 (2005) 372, Resolution studies of cosmic-ray tracks in a TPC with GEM readout: (pdf)
- Nucl.Inst.Meth. A518 (2004) 721, Position Sensing from Charge Dispersion in Micro-Pattern Gas Detectors with a Resistive Anode: (pdf)
- preprint 0510085, Spatial Resolution of a Micromegas-TPC using the charge dispersion signal: (pdf)
- presentation by Vincent Lepeltier, ECFA2005, Vienna, November 2005: (pdf)
- presentation by Madhu Dixit, SNOWMASS, Colorado, August 2005: (pdf)
- presentation by Paul Colas, SNOWMASS, Colorado, August 2005: (pdf)
- presentation by Madhu Dixit, LCWS05, Stanford, March 2005: (pdf)
Chamber for cosmic studies |
Drift Cage |
Readout |
Research Statement
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Topic revision:
29 Dec 2005, DanPeterson

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