Backlinks to CBETA-Beam-Commisioning in CBETA Web (Search all webs)

Results from CBETA web retrieved at 02:45 (Local)

CBETA V, the Virtual Machine, and EPICS CBETA V CBETA V is a custom version of Tao, written by David Sagan. It has all of the normal functionality of Tao, but wi...
CBV (CBETA Viewer) CBV is the primary way of viewing both real and virtual machine BPM data, and other optics functions from the virtual machine. It is still in h...
Main.AdamBartnik 07 Mar 2018 The CBETA accelerator will be assembled and commissioned in phases according to the following plan: 1 MLC test * Commissioni...
r2 - 30 May 2018 - 10:00 by michnoff
CBETA Commissioning Planning The commissioning schedule has a portion for scientific plans and a portion for staffing. It can be found at
Emittance Measurement System (EMS)
Set ICM SLAC power supply to 0 kV, wait 20 minutes while it ramps down, then turn SCR off. Break interlocks Remove ropes / signs a) L0/L0E entrance ...
External EPICS Reference Links * Web interface to EPICS archiver * EPICS 3 14 reference * Matlab LabCA interface * Python to EPICS modules: pyepics an...
r6 - 04 Apr 2019 - 13:11 by cg248
Main.AdamBartnik 26 Apr 2018
Ideas for Scripts * Orbit correction (Colwyn) * Twiss correction at EMS. (Adam, use GPT?) * Degaussing magnets * Cavity alignment * Magnet alignmen...
Dejan's Splitter Optics Layouts The nominal optics and layout of each of the 8 splitter lines are shown in the images below.
NEW - 03 Dec 2019 - 16:11 by sbrooks
Main.AdamBartnik 07 Mar 2018 Startup Procedures 1. Begin Elog entry 1. Run "Start Timers" script. If filament is off, select Warmup On on Klystron Ready Ch...
Safety Procedures * Safety Layout (Picture with reset / lightbeam / e stop locations) * Search and Secure * Interlock Checkout Operation Procedures *...
r18 - 03 Feb 2020 - 14:34 by kd324
The primary project goal is to provide 4 pass acceleration of 1 mA beam to 150 MeV, then decelerate in 4 passes and dump. The energies are defined as follows: ...
r35 - 02 Apr 2020 - 16:36 by michnoff
Number of topics: 16
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