For information about where you should be keeping your files, please see CLASSE's Data Stewardship information.
From a non-CLASSE network (like RedRover) on a non-CLASSE managed computer, you first need to connect to our virtual private network (see ClasseVPN -- CLASSE login required).
From a non-CLASSE system, you may need to replace samba below with You will also need to tell your system to authenticate via the CLASSE domain.
For Windows, you can do this by entering your username as CLASSE\classeid instead of just classeid.
Many of our unix filesystems are available from Windows using our samba server. You can browse to these filesystems by typing \\samba into the address bar of any Windows Explorer window and then double clicking on a filesystem in the resulting list.
You can directly access to your Unix home directory (where files are stored by default for many Linux Applications) by typing \\samba\home\YourLinuxUsername into the address bar of any Windows Explorer window. Please be aware that there is a 1GB quota on your home disk.