
Troubleshooting & More Documentation

Laptop not seeing in-room cameras or mikes?
Try plugging and replugging the green ethernet cable from the coupler
Laptop display not being projected? Try un-plugging and re-plugging power
from the back of the video switch mounted under FRONT table
PSB301.JPG PSBVidSw.jpg

If the in-room mikes are not working, try power cycling
using the powerstrip switch near the front of the A/V cabinet
Audio might take ~10 seconds to appear after plugging in HDMI cable.
No laptop video or audio?
FIRST try unplugging & replugging the HDMI cable connected to your laptop
If that doesn't work, power cycle the "Hall Research"
    using the labeled wall switch on the back wall.
In-room mikes not working?
FIRST try rebooting the computer your're using
THEN try power cycling
    using the powerstrip switch near the front of the A/V cabinet
image file PSB470TF.jpg
Both rooms
  • If the in-room Mac Mini presents you with a login screen:
    1. Try rebooting
    2. If you still get a login screen after rebooting:
      • login credentials are on a sticker affixed to this piece of paper
  • For flaky Mac USB (example symptom: speaker or microphone works a while, then fails),
    • PSB470 - reset the SMC (System Management Controller) and the NVRAM (NonVolatile RAM).
      1. To reset the SMC: shut the Mac down, unplug the Mac from power, wait at least 15 seconds, plug the power back in, wait at least an additional 5 seconds, turn the Mac back on
      2. To reset the NVRAM: restart the Mac, immediately press & hold these keys: option, command, P, R (⌘⌥PR), hold the four keys ~20 seconds, or until the Mac boots twice.
    • PSB301 - try troubleshooting steps for PSB-301 at top of this page, or try rebooting.
Please also submit a Service Request with a problem report.

PSB470 Schematic (PSB301 hardware nearly identical to PSB470 hardware)

Topic revision: r12 - 30 Sep 2024, MichaelRoman
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