Laptop not seeing in-room cameras or mikes? Try plugging and replugging the green ethernet cable from the coupler |
Laptop display not being projected? Try un-plugging and re-plugging power from the back of the video switch mounted under FRONT table |
If the in-room mikes are not working, try power cycling using the powerstrip switch near the front of the A/V cabinet |
Audio might take ~10 seconds to appear after plugging in HDMI cable. | |
No laptop video or audio? FIRST try unplugging & replugging the HDMI cable connected to your laptop If that doesn't work, power cycle the "Hall Research" using the labeled wall switch on the back wall. |
In-room mikes not working? FIRST try rebooting the computer your're using THEN try power cycling using the powerstrip switch near the front of the A/V cabinet |