
Brief Introduction to Windows 7 at LEPP

(This is in a muddle while being created)

When a new computer has been configured for you running Windows 7 on our new Windows Active Directory Domain CLASSE, there are some things to do prior to the install.

  1. Copying files from your current computer:
    • Please copy any files you need on both PCs either to project space or to \\samba\user\<username> Please contact the LEPP computer group if you need help with the copy.
  2. Software that you need: *Please provide a list of software you need beyond our Base Image: https://wiki.lepp.cornell.edu/lepp/bin/view/Computing/StandardSoftware[Standard Windows Software]] lists our base image software.
  3. Printing issues are discussed at
Windows 7 Printing
    • We also have a book on Windows 7 you can borrow, chapters 1-4 are somewhat relevant if you prefer that to skillsoft.
  1. Please
    • read our Windows 7 documentation at Windows7

This tool will help you test passwords in advance: http://www.cit.cornell.edu/security/identity/passwords/strong.cfm

-- SeldenBall - 2011-02-15
Topic revision: r2 - 14 Jan 2020, JamesPulver
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