JamesCrittenden - 18 Jan 2020
Tuning at the beginning of the shift
Open the strip tool files
Open in EDM RF Operations/Cavity Tuners (MLC)
In RF Operations/MLC Operations put all six cavities in Kly Loop.
Pay attention to 2k Heater, Pressure and blower speeds.
When 6 cavities are in Kly Loop, set heater to 6 W.
This will need to be adjusted at more cavities are tuned
and turned on.
With all cavities on, the heater should be at 0 W.
Goal for blower speeds is 20-25%.
Goal for pressure is 12.5 Torr.
Begin tuning cavities:
What is the value for the tuning angle?
- f zero, go to -5000 in Move Relative Command (MRC) in the Cavity Tuners EDM screen. (Do this only at the first tuning of the day.)
- f already -5000 (or something), enter a MRC of -100. Look for response in the tuning angle. If no response, increase the command to -200 (or more if needed) and watch. When the tuning angle approaches zero, take smaller steps to avoid overshoot. When near zero (Cavity 6 will still be fluctuating a lot around zero.), declare the cavity tuned, click OFF and ON to put the cavity in cavity loop.
- nd go to the next cavity. Adjust the heater as necessary.
Even-numbered cavities are stiffened. The tuners may not react at all to steps less than 20.
NB: After the cavities have been running for a while, do not make such large changes (+-5000) as at the beginning of the shift.
How to determine if retuning needed
Watch the piezo control voltages in the strip tool.
If one of them is trending toward a limit, it will need retuning when it gets close to it.
Scales: Cavities 2,4,6: -16k to 16k. Cavities 1,3,5: 0 to 32k.
For example, Cavity 6 does this on a regular basis. The limit is 16384, as for all even-numbered (stiffened) cavities.
When it reaches 14000, announce that it will need retuning within some period of time.
Go to kly_loop. Example of a step sequence for retuning cavity 6: 1000, 100, 50 10.
Watch the tuning angle carefully with each step.
Use larger steps until it starts to respond.
Also watch the field. Approach 1200 kV gradually. Cavity 6 is stiffened, so a step smaller than 100 will do nothing until one is close to target.
Cavity 1 can sometimes be retuned with small steps in cavity_loop.
January 19, 2020 MLC tuning diary
Cavity 6
Tuning angle started pegged at zero. Step of -5000 put it to -90 degrees. Responded to a step of -800.
Cavity 5
Started at -40 degrees. Used step of -20.
Cavity 4
Starts at -70. A step of -20 makes it go further negative. Used steps of -100 until it turned around.
Cavity 3
Started at +10 degrees. Goes up with a step of +20. Several steps of 200 and a step of 400 turn it around.
Cavity 2
Started at -90. Step of -20 make it go further negative. Used steps of -400 to get it to turn around.
Cavity 1
Started at -75 degrees. Overshot several times on purpose, with decreasing overshoots.
This procedure was done on this day with the intention of avoiding the recent experience of
occasional forward power spikes.
Later, Cavity 6 needed retuning.
Started pegged at +80. Reacted to several steps of +500.
Overshot with a step of +80. Recovered with a step of +40.
Some notes---------------If striptool plots look wrong, click Autoscale.
Clicking on the box containing the value being plotted will set the Y axis to the units and range for that quantitity.
Choose which variable is on top by unchoosing and choosing it in the control window.