
LEPP E'Mail Migration from VMS to Unix

Please use the central Cornell mail service instead.

LEPP's aging and overloaded mail servers are no longer able to keep up with the increasing flux of SPAM and the gigantic mail folders which members of LEPP have accumulated. LEPP cannot not afford the expense and effort required to upgrade its local mail servers.

Anyone with a Cornell NetID should use Cornell's central mail service. For more information, please see E-mailMigration.

Obsolete Recommendation

Unfortunately, when mailboxes get extremely large and thousands of mail messages have accumulated, our old VMS Mail system starts having problems. The best we can recommend is that people consider changing their primary mail server from LNS61 (the VMS Mail server) to LNSCU5 (the Unix Mail server).

Here are the steps involved in changing servers:

  1. Add the LEPP Unix mail server as another mail account in Thunderbird
  2. Turn off mail forwarding on the LEPP Unix mail server
  3. Forward mail from the LEPP VMS mail server to the Unix mail server
  4. At your convenience, move VMS mail folders to the Unix mail server

Be sure to follow these steps in order. If you do things out of order, your mail will get messed up.

In detail:

  • Add the LEPP Unix mail server as another mail account in Thunderbird. Don't delete the existing VMS account.
Please follow the instructions in Configuring Mozilla Thunderbird to use LEPP's mail server

Reminder: the Unix mail server uses your Unix Kerberos Network Password, which is not necessarily the same as any of your interactive passwords. Please see Accounts and Passwords for instructions on setting this password.

  • Turn off mail forwarding on the LEPP Unix mail server
Login interactively on any Unix or Linux system, e.g. LNS101. Type the command
rm /nfs/mail/u/user/.forward

(Replace u/user by the first character of your LEPP Unix username followed by a / and your full Unix username.)

  • Forward mail from the LEPP VMS mail server to the Unix mail server
Login interactively on LNS61 and type these commands:

(Replace user by your full Unix username.)

  • At your convenience, move VMS mail folders to the Unix mail server
While running Thunderbird, you should be able to drag the folders from one mail server to another.

-- SeldenBall - 12 Jul 2006
Topic revision: r4 - 19 May 2008, SeldenBall
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