Anders Ryd

385 Physical Sciences Building
1-607-255-2529 (Ithaca)
41-76-487-5765 (CERN)

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Research interests:

Cornell joined the CMS experiment at the LHC in 2005. My main involvement in CMS has been with the 66M channel pixel detector. The CMS pixel detector is placed closest to the proton-proton interaction point. The excellent spatial resolution of the pixel detector is used to reconstruct vertex positions and seed the track finding. Cornell has been the major contributor to the online software and calibration of the pixel detector. We are also involved with the commissioning and operation of the detector. I was based at CERN in 2010 and 2011 where I was deputy run coordinator for CMS in 2010 and run coordinator in 2011.

With planed increases in the luminosity of the LHC over the next decade we will have to upgrade the detectors of CMS. I'm involved with studies and R&D for upgrades to the tracking detectors. Future tracking detectors will need to provide information to the trigger, which means that some level of data reduction, e.g. by selecting high momentum tracks, is needed on the detector. We are studying different ideas for building modules with two closely spaced sensors that can provide a local correlation to allow rejection of low momentum tracks. I'n co-chair of the track trigger task force together with Marcello Mannelli. With graduate student Souvik Das I have looked at tau identification in CMS for the W to tau channel.

In addition to my work on CMS I'm a member of the CLEO collaboration. My work here has focused on the study of hadronic D and Ds decays. Precise measurements of these decays allow us to better constrain parameters of the standard model. I'm also interested in simulations of particle decays, and improving the performance of the detector by developing better techniques for calibration.

If you are interested in working on CMS with data analysis and detector R&D please contact me as I'm looking for one or more students to join this research program.


Derek Cranshaw, Ph.D. 2022 (projected)

Zhengcheng Tao, Ph.D. 2019

Benjamin Kreis, Ph.D. 2013

Thesis: Search for supersymmetry in 8 TeV proton-proton collision events with botton-quark jets and missing transverse energy. Published in Phys. Rev. D 86, 072010 (2012) and Phys. Lett. B 725, 243 (2013). Ben also made major contributions to the calibration and operations fo the CMS pixel detector. Ben is currently a postdoc at Fermilab.

Souvik Das, Ph.D. 2011

Thesis: Observation of the Dalitz decay Ds*+ -> Ds+ e+e-. Published in Phys. Rev. D 86, 072005 (2012). Souvik also made major contributions to the online software for the CMS pixel detector. Souvik is now with University of Florida working on CMS.

Steven Stroiney, Ph.D. 2008

Thesis:Measurement of the Branching Fraction For D+ -> K0L pi+. Published in Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 091801 (2008). Steven also made major contributions to the measurement of the D hadronic branching fractions published in Phys. Rev. D76, 112001 (2007) and Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 121801 (2005). Now working at Sensis Corp., Syracuse, analyzing data collected at airports and working on optimization and safety systems.

Peter Onyisi, Ph.D. 2008

Thesis:Absolute Measurement of Hadronic Branching Fractions of Charmed-Strange Mesons. Published in Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 161804 (2008). Peter also made major contributions to the measurement of the D hadronic branching fractions published in Phys. Rev. D76, 112001 (2007) and Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 121801 (2005). After a postdoc at University of Chicago as Enrico Fermi Fellow working on ATLAS and CLEO-c Peter is since 2012 an assistant Prof. at UT Austin.

Hirokazu Miyake, Bs. 2006

Research project: Measurements of branching fractions for Cabibbo suppressed two-body decays of D mesons to pairs of kaons. Published in Phys. Rev. D77, 091106 (2008). Now at MIT.

Selected Presentations:

2019.11.22 Status of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades, HEPAP meeting in Bethesda, MA.

2017.06.29 Tracklet-based L1 Tracking for CMS, AWLC workshop at SLAC, CA.

2015.12.10 Overview of CMS HL-LHC Upgrades, HEPAP meeting in Newport Beach, CA.

2015.10.06 Tracklet implementation of L1 tracking, CPAD workshop, UT Arlington, TX.

2011.12.07 CMS Status Report, presentation in the open LHCC session, CERN, Switzerland

2011.07.15 Experiments desiderata, presentation at the mini-Chamonix workshop on behalf of the LHC experiments, St. Genis, France

2011.05.02 First year of CMS Operation: Operational Experience and First Physics Results, University of New Hampshire Physics Dept. Colloquium

2011.04.04 First year of CMS Operation at the LHC, Cornell University Physics Dept. Colloquium

2010.06.07 Status of CMS, presented at IPRD12, Sienna, Italy

2010.09.07 Operational Experience at 7 TeV, presented at RDMS14, Varna, Bulgaria

2010.09.24 Experience with CMS Electronics in 7 TeV Operation, presented at TWEPP10, Aachen, Germany

2009.12.16 Interviewed as CMS Run Field Manager (on youtube)

2009.09.18 CMS Track Trigger for SLHC, presented at Vertex 2009, Putten, The Netherlands

2008.11.04 CMS: Meeting the LHC Challenge, Cornell University Physics Dept. Colloquium

2008.07.29 Experience in CMS Pixel Detector Commissioning, presented at Vertex 2008, Uto, Sweden

2007.08.06 Hadronic D-decays at CLEO-c, presented at Charm 2007, Ithaca, NY

2007.05.14 Hadronic Charm Decays, present at FPCP 2007, Slovenia

2007.04.24 The CMS Pixel Detector, seminar given at Princeton

2006.10.24 The CLEO-c Experiment and its Impact, presented at NSF site visit, Ithaca, NY

2006.09.28 CLEO-c Hadronic D-decays, seminar given at SLAC and LBNL

2006.06.05 CLEO-c Measurements of fD and fDs, presented at the International Workshop on tau-charm Physics, Bejing, China

2006.03.20 CLEO-c Hadronic D-decays, presented at Moriond QCD, La Thuile, Italy

2005.11.29 Initial CLEO-c Results, seminar given at Caltech

2005.11.17 Physics at the Psi(3770), presentation to the PAC, Ithaca, NY

2005.06.07 CLEO-c, presented at the International Conference on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, Delphi, Greece

2005.06.06 Weak Decays, CKM, and CP Violation, presented at the International Conference on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, Delphi, Greece

2004.08.16 Hadronic D decays and the D Decay Constant with CLEO-c, presented at ICHEP, Beijing, China

2004.03.02 An Introduction to Using EvtGen, CLEO Lunch Talk

2003.07.19 Evidence for B->K*ll and Measurement of B->Kll, presented at EPS, Aachen, Germany

Selected Papers

Hadronic D and D_s Meson Decays, to be submitted to Review of Modern Physics (Draft)

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This topic: People > AndersRyd
Topic revision: 09 Dec 2024, AndersRyd
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