
Central Filesystem Maintenance: Tuesday, 04-Jun-2019 @ 12:00 Noon

On Tuesday, 04-Jun-2019, from 12:00 noon to 1:00 PM, several central Linux filesystems will be restarted to ensure optimum load balancing and availability. Samba access will be affected by rolling pauses for less than a minute each. Please submit a ServiceRequest with any questions or concerns.

CLASSE Compute Farm node update - some removed and some failed.

Due to last Wednesday's power outages, the following changes have occured to the Farm:

  • Five functioning nodes (24 cores each) were removed to replace failed CLASSE HA Cluster nodes - these nodes are "hot spares" for the Cluster.
  • Three nodes died - each were 4 cores.
  • Two 8 core "ilc" nodes continue to exhibit erratic power supply issues, thus have been disabled for job execution.
  • As a result, the max number of running jobs, per user, has been reduced to 60.

We are eager to purchase more farm nodes as funding allows. Any projects or groups with available funds can purchase nodes and be given priority over those nodes to ensure they're availble when needed.

Transition from Replicon to Timesheet in June/July 2019

The Replicon application for tracking effort at the lab will be retired this summer and replaced with Timesheet. Timesheet is a web application developed by CLASSE-IT and the Business Office. Some groups have already transitioned over to Timesheet and we will continue asking others to make that transition incrementally. If you would like to be an "early adopter" of the new app, please contact Bill Franklin.

  • All hourly employees will use Timesheet exclusively starting June 20.
  • All salaried employees will use Timesheet exclusively starting July 1.

There will be two demonstrations of the new Timesheet app in June. These sessions are for anyone who has never used Replicon or has questions about how Timesheet works. If you've used Replicon, you should find Timesheet easy to use.

The demonstration will include a walk-through of how to enter time and approve timesheets as a supervisor and a WBS approver. Bill Franklin will also be there to answer any accounting questions related to the WBS structure.

Timesheet Presentation Dates

  • Wednesday, June 12, 1pm @ Wilson Commons
  • Friday, June 14, 10am @ Newman 311

General network and server maintenance will occur every Tuesday from 12:00 noon to 2:00 PM. The CLASSE-IT group will always announce any expected disruptions in our NewsLetter and via CLASSE-IT-NEWS-L, but with the size and complexity of our network there is always the potential for something to go wrong. We will do our best to contain all network maintenance and planned outages to Tuesdays from 12:00 noon to 2:00 PM.

Unless other arrangements have been made, CLASSE-managed Windows systems may be updated and rebooted on Tuesday morning at 2:00 AM, so please avoid critical or lengthy operations at that time. For more details, please see SystemExpectations.

Questions or problems? Submit a service request (or email

Other resources:

Topic revision: r7 - 03 Jun 2019, WilliamBrangan
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