
CESR Network Isolation test tomorrow, 20-Mar-2018

On Tuesday, 20-Mar-2018, there will be a CESR Network Isolation test from approximately noon-1pm. This is necessary to ensure CESR operations can continue without any dependencies on other CLASSE networks or resources. During this time, you will be unable to access CESR Online resources (the CESR_ONLINE filesystem, the cesrwww web server, etc.) from non-CESR systems. Likewise, from a CESR system you will be unable to access off-line resources (public home disks, /nfs/acc/user, etc.).

C: Drive filling up on CLASSE-managed Windows computers

Many CLASSE-managed Windows computers are experiencing an unfortunate side effect of a recent upgrade to our management software (puppet), in which the C: drive fills up. Sadly, this is a problem we need to fix by hand. If you see a system warning that the C: drive has filled up, please open a service ticket with a time we can remote in for 20 minutes to fix the issue. You will need to log out, and we may need to reboot the computer, so please save any work on Samba.

General network and server maintenance will occur every Tuesday from 12:00 noon to 2:00 PM. The CLASSE-IT group will always announce any expected disruptions in our NewsLetter and via CLASSE-IT-NEWS-L, but with the size and complexity of our network there is always the potential for something to go wrong. We will do our best to contain all network maintenance and planned outages to Tuesdays from 12:00 noon to 2:00 PM.

Unless other arrangements have been made, CLASSE-managed Windows systems may be updated and rebooted on Tuesday morning at 2:00 AM, so please avoid critical or lengthy operations at that time. For more details, please see SystemExpectations.

Questions or problems? Submit a service request (or email

Other resources:

Topic revision: r2 - 19 Mar 2018, WilliamBrangan
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