With the goal of addressing periodic delays and slowdowns accessing samba, the IT group has made several significant configuration changes to our linux servers and clients. If you have any problems accessing or using samba, please email
service-classe@cornell.edu with the name of the computer you are using and the exact path or file system you are trying to access on samba.
For more on data stewardship and storage at CLASSE, please see
DataStewardship .
Autodesk upgrade: Monday, 08-May-2017
As previously announced, a major upgrade to our Autodesk software products is starting today, Monday, 08-May-2017. The central Vault server is being migrated today, and local client software installations will take place during the weekly maintenance period early Tuesday morning, 09-May-2017. We expect the Vault to be available for use around noon on Tuesday, 09-May-2017. Please let us know of any problems discovered after that time.
CHESS DAQ Rotation, 10-May-2017, 10am
At approximately 10am Wednesday 10-May-2017, the main CHESS DAQ file system will be rotated and setup for the upcoming 2017-2 run. When this happens, the following directories will be removed from disk.
As always, you can request a restore of data by emailing
service-classe@cornell.edu .
Cornell E-Mail servers are disabling port 80
On Monday, 08-May-2017, the CIT E-mail Team are disabling port 80 in their on-premises Exchange environment because it presents a security risk to some clients. This might impact some old E-mail clients. Please call the CIT help desk at (607) 255-5500 if this change causes problems for you. If this change breaks E-mail clients for a significant number of people, they will back the change out and reevaluate.
General network and server maintenance will occur every Tuesday from 12:00 noon to 2:00 PM. The CLASSE-IT group will always announce any expected disruptions in our
NewsLetter and via
CLASSE-IT-NEWS-L, but with the size and complexity of our network there is always the potential for something to go wrong. We will do our best to contain all network maintenance and planned outages to Tuesdays from 12:00 noon to 2:00 PM.
Unless other arrangements have been made,
CLASSE-managed Windows systems may be updated and rebooted on Tuesday morning at 2:00 AM, so please avoid critical or lengthy operations at that time. For more details, please see
Other resources: