There are a few steps you need to do in order to create a local workspace for Inventor. These will need to be completed on any Inventor enabled PC you work on, including public terminal rooms.
Open Windows Explorer and navigate to “C:\VaultWorkspace”.
Right click on the “VaultUsers” shortcut and Select “Open With” and choose WordPad (Notepad can add spaces or line breaks).
This will launch a text file that you need to edit and add your CLASSE Net ID to. Before Editing: After Editing:
(The example above is for user “tio1”. You will need to add your own personal CLASSE Net ID for your workspace to be populated. Additional usernames can be entered by separating with a comma. NO spaces should be used between the user names and the commas. i.e. inventorusers=tio1,swh77)
(If you have several users on one computer, all user names should be on the same line. If the text begins to wrap to another line, select the “View” tab in WordPad and select “Word Wrap”. Make sure this is set to “No Wrap”)
30-60 minutes after editing the text file, your local vault workspace will be updated with the Inventor design data. You should see a directory with your net ID in the C:\VaultWorkspace folder when the workspace has been created.
If you have any questions, or problems creating your local workspace, feel free to call or e-mail Scott Hartman at 255-3659 or