LEPP Web Development Committee Mailing List / Forum
Initially, the LEPP Web Development Committee may use HyperNews for internal communications.
HyperNews allows messages to be posted through email or a web interface. Anyone can interact with HyperNews entirely through email. Alternatively, you can also post messages directly using HyperNews' web interface. For instructions on registering with and using HyperNews, please see
https://wiki.lepp.cornell.edu/lcg/bin/view/Computing/HyperNews . To access the HyperNews at LEPP web interface, browse to
https://hypernews.lepp.cornell.edu/lepp/cindex .
For the LEPP Web Development Committee, initial forums have been created as follows:
Any messages sent to these email addresses will be forwarded to every member of the LEPP Web Development Committee, as well as archived in HyperNews.
Possible Forums
- Web News - forum relating to the News on LEPP's website. This could be used for suggestions from the community and internal discussions.
- Web Requests - forum for storing requests (for new pages, webs, etc.). However, maybe this would overlap with WebFeedback ...