
Statistics for CESR Web

Month: Topic
Most popular
topic views:
Top contributors for
topic save and uploads:
Jul 2024 34 0 0   9 WebPreferences
  8 WebStatistics
  5 CESR
  4 WebCreateNewTopic
  3 CBPMTestProc
  2 WebTopicList
  1 WebIndex
  1 WebNotify
  1 WebChanges
Jun 2024 1588 0 0 812 WebSearch
154 WebStatistics
129 CESR
128 WebCreateNewTopic
 98 WebPreferences
 64 WebChanges
 49 CBPMTestProc
 42 WebTopicList
 35 WebLeftBar
 29 WebIndex
 28 WebNotify
May 2024 620 0 0 192 WebStatistics
105 WebPreferences
 69 CESR
 69 CBPMTestProc
 69 WebChanges
 32 WebCreateNewTopic
 20 WebIndex
 20 WebNotify
 19 WebTopicList
 19 WebLeftBar
  1 WebSearch
Apr 2024 801 0 0 199 WebStatistics
120 WebPreferences
 88 WebChanges
 82 CESR
 75 CBPMTestProc
 65 WebCreateNewTopic
 55 WebIndex
 39 WebTopicList
 39 WebNotify
 16 WebLeftBar
  9 WebSearchAdvanced
Mar 2024 545 0 0 152 WebStatistics
 73 CESR
 64 WebCreateNewTopic
 51 WebChanges
 49 WebPreferences
 35 WebTopicList
 34 CBPMTestProc
 27 WebNotify
 25 WebLeftBar
 23 WebIndex
  5 WebSearch
Feb 2024 397 0 0 102 CESR
 79 WebStatistics
 57 WebPreferences
 31 WebCreateNewTopic
 30 WebNotify
 28 WebChanges
 21 CBPMTestProc
 20 WebTopicList
 14 WebIndex
 10 WebLeftBar
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
Jan 2024 378 0 0  95 WebStatistics
 69 CESR
 63 WebPreferences
 41 WebChanges
 25 WebCreateNewTopic
 25 CBPMTestProc
 24 WebNotify
 12 WebTopicList
 12 WebLeftBar
  7 WebIndex
Dec 2023 450 0 0  89 WebStatistics
 74 CESR
 66 WebPreferences
 49 CBPMTestProc
 40 WebCreateNewTopic
 35 WebChanges
 29 WebTopicList
 23 WebLeftBar
 20 WebNotify
 19 WebIndex
  2 WebSearchAdvanced
Nov 2023 499 0 0  84 CESR
 78 WebPreferences
 71 WebStatistics
 49 CBPMTestProc
 45 WebChanges
 40 WebCreateNewTopic
 35 WebNotify
 30 WebTopicList
 30 WebIndex
 28 WebLeftBar
  2 WebSearchAdvanced
Oct 2023 353 0 0  64 CESR
 56 WebStatistics
 48 WebPreferences
 42 WebChanges
 34 WebCreateNewTopic
 31 CBPMTestProc
 23 WebIndex
 17 WebTopicList
 17 WebNotify
 15 WebLeftBar
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
Sep 2023 316 0 0  54 WebStatistics
 51 WebCreateNewTopic
 46 WebPreferences
 37 CESR
 37 WebChanges
 21 WebIndex
 19 WebNotify
 18 WebTopicList
 15 CBPMTestProc
 13 WebLeftBar
Aug 2023 467 0 0  87 WebStatistics
 76 CESR
 60 WebPreferences
 53 WebCreateNewTopic
 41 WebChanges
 27 WebTopicList
 26 CBPMTestProc
 24 WebNotify
 21 WebIndex
 21 WebLeftBar
 15 WebSearch
Jul 2023 1060 0 0 275 CESR
170 WebStatistics
128 WebPreferences
113 WebSearch
 94 WebChanges
 62 WebCreateNewTopic
 62 WebTopicList
 60 WebNotify
 46 WebSearchAdvanced
 21 WebIndex
 13 CBPMTestProc
Jun 2023 1215 0 0 311 CESR
179 WebStatistics
174 WebSearch
137 WebPreferences
 89 WebChanges
 74 WebNotify
 73 WebCreateNewTopic
 64 WebTopicList
 59 WebSearchAdvanced
 19 WebLeftBar
 17 CBPMTestProc
May 2023 1195 0 0 345 CESR
179 WebStatistics
132 WebPreferences
 99 WebNotify
 96 WebChanges
 91 WebSearch
 84 WebCreateNewTopic
 60 WebTopicList
 56 WebSearchAdvanced
 18 CBPMTestProc
 17 WebIndex
Apr 2023 1009 0 0 268 CESR
171 WebStatistics
 85 WebSearch
 82 WebNotify
 81 WebChanges
 77 WebPreferences
 75 WebCreateNewTopic
 62 WebTopicList
 58 WebSearchAdvanced
 17 CBPMTestProc
 15 WebIndex
Mar 2023 1154 0 0 307 CESR
224 WebStatistics
105 WebChanges
 95 WebSearch
 84 WebCreateNewTopic
 77 WebPreferences
 73 WebNotify
 68 WebTopicList
 62 WebSearchAdvanced
 22 CBPMTestProc
 17 WebIndex
Feb 2023 1034 0 0 335 CESR
167 WebStatistics
 95 WebPreferences
 88 WebSearch
 70 WebChanges
 67 WebCreateNewTopic
 58 WebTopicList
 55 WebNotify
 48 WebSearchAdvanced
 19 WebLeftBar
 18 WebIndex
Jan 2023 1223 0 0 315 WebSearch
263 CESR
152 WebStatistics
103 WebCreateNewTopic
 79 WebPreferences
 69 WebChanges
 59 WebTopicList
 56 WebNotify
 51 WebSearchAdvanced
 35 WebIndex
 21 WebLeftBar
Dec 2022 1136 0 0 274 CESR
163 WebSearch
150 WebStatistics
108 WebPreferences
104 WebCreateNewTopic
 76 WebChanges
 68 WebTopicList
 65 WebNotify
 55 WebSearchAdvanced
 25 WebIndex
 21 CBPMTestProc
Nov 2022 1454 0 0 364 CESR
270 WebStatistics
151 WebPreferences
128 WebSearch
118 WebCreateNewTopic
 93 WebChanges
 79 WebTopicList
 78 WebNotify
 71 WebSearchAdvanced
 36 CBPMTestProc
 35 WebLeftBar
Oct 2022 687 0 0 280 WebStatistics
 85 CESR
 65 WebPreferences
 48 WebCreateNewTopic
 42 WebChanges
 39 WebSearch
 26 CBPMTestProc
 21 WebSearchAdvanced
 21 WebTopicList
 20 WebIndex
 20 WebNotify
Sep 2022 1077 0 0 283 WebStatistics
255 CESR
 91 WebChanges
 89 WebPreferences
 83 WebCreateNewTopic
 76 WebSearch
 51 WebTopicList
 51 WebNotify
 41 WebSearchAdvanced
 20 WebIndex
 19 WebLeftBar
Aug 2022 1243 0 0 376 CESR
242 WebStatistics
125 WebCreateNewTopic
106 WebChanges
 88 WebSearch
 70 WebPreferences
 60 WebNotify
 58 WebTopicList
 57 WebSearchAdvanced
 22 WebIndex
 20 CBPMTestProc
Jul 2022 1355 0 0 394 CESR
234 WebStatistics
135 WebCreateNewTopic
101 WebChanges
 85 WebSearch
 84 WebPreferences
 67 WebNotify
 63 WebTopicList
 59 WebSearchAdvanced
 21 CBPMTestProc
 20 WebIndex
Jun 2022 1064 0 0 250 WebStatistics
210 CESR
117 WebPreferences
 96 WebCreateNewTopic
 96 WebChanges
 85 WebSearch
 54 WebNotify
 53 WebTopicList
 46 WebSearchAdvanced
 20 WebIndex
 17 CBPMTestProc
May 2022 1393 0 0 360 CESR
269 WebStatistics
126 WebChanges
112 WebPreferences
110 WebSearch
106 WebCreateNewTopic
 79 WebTopicList
 79 WebNotify
 61 WebSearchAdvanced
 31 CBPMTestProc
 28 WebLeftBar
Apr 2022 1201 0 0 339 CESR
181 WebStatistics
141 WebChanges
132 WebCreateNewTopic
 80 WebPreferences
 78 WebSearch
 65 WebTopicList
 61 WebNotify
 51 WebSearchAdvanced
 23 CBPMTestProc
 23 WebIndex
Mar 2022 961 0 0 305 CESR
121 WebCreateNewTopic
118 WebStatistics
 96 WebChanges
 64 WebSearch
 53 WebPreferences
 52 WebTopicList
 51 WebNotify
 49 WebSearchAdvanced
 16 WebIndex
 13 WebLeftBar
Feb 2022 1092 0 0 366 CESR
127 WebCreateNewTopic
109 WebStatistics
 99 WebChanges
 83 WebSearch
 71 WebPreferences
 68 WebNotify
 59 WebTopicList
 52 WebSearchAdvanced
 16 CBPMTestProc
 15 WebIndex
Jan 2022 1339 0 0 390 CESR
163 WebCreateNewTopic
131 WebStatistics
121 WebChanges
118 WebSearch
 86 WebNotify
 85 WebPreferences
 83 WebTopicList
 81 WebSearchAdvanced
 27 CBPMTestProc
 25 WebIndex
Dec 2021 1019 0 0 291 CESR
118 WebChanges
112 WebCreateNewTopic
110 WebStatistics
 85 WebSearch
 69 WebPreferences
 63 WebSearchAdvanced
 59 WebTopicList
 56 WebNotify
 18 WebIndex
 17 CBPMTestProc
Nov 2021 2788 1 0 1022 CBPMTestProc
477 CESR
217 WebStatistics
148 WebIndex
141 WebChanges
134 WebCreateNewTopic
114 WebSearch
100 WebPreferences
 94 WebTopicList
 90 WebNotify
 56 WebSearchAdvanced
  1 Main.dab66
Oct 2021 1085 0 0 280 CESR
134 WebStatistics
119 WebChanges
114 WebCreateNewTopic
111 WebSearch
 69 WebNotify
 68 WebSearchAdvanced
 68 WebPreferences
 61 WebTopicList
 19 WebIndex
 16 CBPMTestProc
Sep 2021 1320 0 0 362 CESR
159 WebStatistics
139 WebChanges
119 WebCreateNewTopic
103 WebSearch
 88 CBPMTestProc
 84 WebPreferences
 79 WebNotify
 78 WebSearchAdvanced
 73 WebTopicList
 18 WebIndex
Aug 2021 398 0 0 172 CESR
 76 WebStatistics
 47 WebChanges
 29 WebCreateNewTopic
 16 WebSearch
 13 WebPreferences
 11 WebSearchAdvanced
  7 WebTopicList
  7 CBPMTestProc
  7 WebNotify
  4 WebIndex
Jul 2021 976 0 0 336 CESR
116 WebStatistics
109 WebChanges
 87 WebSearch
 75 WebCreateNewTopic
 55 WebNotify
 51 WebTopicList
 51 WebPreferences
 49 WebSearchAdvanced
 15 CBPMTestProc
 12 WebIndex
Jun 2021 957 0 0 331 CESR
140 WebStatistics
 97 WebSearch
 95 WebChanges
 65 WebCreateNewTopic
 55 WebSearchAdvanced
 51 WebPreferences
 46 WebNotify
 43 WebTopicList
 11 WebIndex
  9 CBPMTestProc
May 2021 817 0 0 321 CESR
110 WebSearch
 95 WebStatistics
 55 WebPreferences
 52 WebChanges
 51 WebCreateNewTopic
 41 WebSearchAdvanced
 38 WebTopicList
 36 WebNotify
  6 WebLeftBar
  5 WebIndex
Apr 2021 666 0 0 200 CESR
140 WebStatistics
105 WebChanges
 52 WebCreateNewTopic
 42 WebPreferences
 39 WebSearch
 21 WebNotify
 20 WebTopicList
 20 WebSearchAdvanced
 11 CBPMTestProc
  9 WebIndex
Mar 2021 353 0 0  92 WebStatistics
 84 CESR
 39 WebChanges
 37 WebCreateNewTopic
 32 WebSearch
 27 WebPreferences
 11 WebSearchAdvanced
  8 WebNotify
  7 WebTopicList
  6 WebIndex
  4 WebLeftBar
Feb 2021 347 0 0 102 CESR
 44 WebStatistics
 41 WebCreateNewTopic
 41 WebChanges
 22 WebPreferences
 21 WebSearch
 16 WebTopicList
 15 WebSearchAdvanced
 15 WebNotify
 13 CBPMTestProc
  9 WebIndex
Jan 2021 1428 0 0 369 CESR
290 WebPreferences
277 CBPMTestProc
 90 WebChanges
 79 WebStatistics
 75 WebCreateNewTopic
 74 WebSearch
 51 WebTopicList
 51 WebNotify
 47 WebSearchAdvanced
 12 WebIndex
Dec 2020 572 0 0 187 CESR
144 WebStatistics
 45 CBPMTestProc
 39 WebPreferences
 36 WebCreateNewTopic
 32 WebChanges
 28 WebSearch
 20 WebSearchAdvanced
 20 WebNotify
 11 WebTopicList
  5 WebLeftBar
Nov 2020 3326 0 0 3044 WebSearch
104 CESR
 45 WebCreateNewTopic
 25 WebPreferences
 24 WebStatistics
 15 WebSearchAdvanced
 15 WebChanges
 14 WebTopicList
 10 WebLeftBar
  9 CBPMTestProc
  9 WebNotify
Oct 2020 8263 0 0 7904 WebSearch
 79 WebCreateNewTopic
 69 CESR
 38 WebStatistics
 34 WebChanges
 25 WebPreferences
 21 CBPMTestProc
 21 WebNotify
 20 WebSearchAdvanced
 18 WebTopicList
 15 WebIndex
Sep 2020 2841 0 0 2521 WebSearch
121 CESR
 40 WebCreateNewTopic
 35 WebStatistics
 26 WebChanges
 20 WebPreferences
 16 WebTopicList
 16 WebSearchAdvanced
 14 WebNotify
 10 WebIndex
 10 WebLeftBar
Aug 2020 395 0 0 148 CESR
 44 WebCreateNewTopic
 30 WebSearch
 29 WebStatistics
 28 WebChanges
 27 WebPreferences
 18 WebNotify
 17 WebTopicList
 16 WebSearchAdvanced
 14 WebLeftBar
 11 CBPMTestProc
Jul 2020 1054 0 0 268 WebSearch
134 CESR
 89 WebStatistics
 86 WebChanges
 84 WebCreateNewTopic
 79 WebPreferences
 70 WebNotify
 56 WebTopicList
 56 WebSearchAdvanced
 38 CBPMTestProc
 36 WebIndex
Jun 2020 12560 0 0 11962 WebSearch
130 CESR
112 WebCreateNewTopic
 55 WebNotify
 51 WebPreferences
 51 WebChanges
 43 WebTopicList
 42 WebSearchAdvanced
 42 WebStatistics
 23 WebIndex
 22 CBPMTestProc
May 2020 13642 0 0 13179 WebSearch
103 CESR
101 WebStatistics
 82 WebNotify
 54 WebPreferences
 52 WebChanges
 23 WebCreateNewTopic
 12 CBPMTestProc
 11 WebSearchAdvanced
 10 WebTopicList
  6 WebIndex
Apr 2020 13546 0 0 13288 WebSearch
 51 CESR
 45 WebCreateNewTopic
 37 WebChanges
 33 WebNotify
 21 WebPreferences
 18 WebStatistics
 16 WebIndex
 11 WebSearchAdvanced
  9 WebTopicList
  8 CBPMTestProc
Mar 2020 13795 0 0 13596 WebSearch
 54 CESR
 29 WebChanges
 21 WebCreateNewTopic
 21 WebPreferences
 17 WebStatistics
 17 WebNotify
 13 WebSearchAdvanced
  9 WebTopicList
  8 WebLeftBar
  4 WebIndex
Feb 2020 12953 0 0 12667 WebSearch
 70 CESR
 43 WebCreateNewTopic
 28 WebStatistics
 25 WebChanges
 18 WebNotify
 17 WebSearchAdvanced
 14 WebPreferences
 13 WebTopicList
  9 WebIndex
  9 WebLeftBar
Jan 2020 13411 0 0 13212 WebSearch
 52 CESR
 32 WebStatistics
 22 WebCreateNewTopic
 19 WebChanges
 15 WebPreferences
 13 WebNotify
 11 WebSearchAdvanced
 10 WebTopicList
  8 WebIndex
  7 WebLeftBar
Dec 2019 12705 0 0 12424 WebSearch
 80 WebStatistics
 47 CESR
 30 WebCreateNewTopic
 27 WebPreferences
 27 WebChanges
 20 WebNotify
 14 WebTopicList
 13 WebSearchAdvanced
  9 WebIndex
  6 WebLeftBar
Nov 2019 11742 0 0 11454 WebSearch
 67 WebStatistics
 45 CESR
 32 WebCreateNewTopic
 28 WebPreferences
 23 WebNotify
 22 WebChanges
 20 WebTopicList
 19 WebSearchAdvanced
 12 WebIndex
 11 CBPMTestProc
Oct 2019 11891 0 0 11604 WebSearch
 64 WebStatistics
 57 WebCreateNewTopic
 42 CESR
 31 WebNotify
 18 WebSearchAdvanced
 18 WebChanges
 16 WebPreferences
 10 WebTopicList
 10 WebIndex
  8 CBPMTestProc
Sep 2019 10192 0 0 9712 WebSearch
116 WebCreateNewTopic
 84 WebStatistics
 56 CESR
 42 WebChanges
 39 WebPreferences
 32 WebNotify
 26 WebLeftBar
 25 WebTopicList
 20 WebSearchAdvanced
 18 CBPMTestProc
Aug 2019 9286 0 0 8973 WebSearch
 47 WebStatistics
 45 WebChanges
 43 WebCreateNewTopic
 35 WebPreferences
 32 CESR
 25 WebSearchAdvanced
 21 WebIndex
 18 WebNotify
 17 WebLeftBar
 15 WebTopicList
Jul 2019 8216 0 0 7959 WebSearch
 42 CESR
 42 WebPreferences
 39 WebStatistics
 34 WebCreateNewTopic
 25 WebChanges
 18 WebNotify
 16 WebSearchAdvanced
 13 WebIndex
 12 WebLeftBar
  6 WebTopicList
Jun 2019 5794 2 0 5390 WebSearch
 96 WebCreateNewTopic
 58 CESR
 53 WebStatistics
 46 WebPreferences
 37 WebChanges
 19 WebSearchAdvanced
 19 WebNotify
 18 WebLeftBar
 17 WebTopicList
 17 CBPMTestProc
  2 PaulOsetek
May 2019 2622 0 0 2363 WebSearch
 61 WebStatistics
 50 CESR
 34 WebPreferences
 29 WebChanges
 28 WebCreateNewTopic
 12 WebTopicList
 12 WebIndex
 11 WebNotify
  9 WebSearchAdvanced
  9 WebLeftBar
Apr 2019 1083 0 0 813 WebSearch
 55 WebStatistics
 51 CESR
 37 WebCreateNewTopic
 31 WebPreferences
 19 WebTopicList
 18 WebNotify
 17 WebChanges
 16 WebIndex
 15 WebSearchAdvanced
  8 WebLeftBar
Mar 2019 611 0 0 303 WebSearch
 81 WebCreateNewTopic
 51 CESR
 46 WebStatistics
 34 WebPreferences
 20 WebNotify
 19 WebTopicList
 17 WebIndex
 12 WebLeftBar
 11 WebChanges
 10 WebSearchAdvanced
Feb 2019 323 0 0  95 WebSearch
 46 WebStatistics
 42 WebCreateNewTopic
 40 CESR
 23 WebPreferences
 18 WebChanges
 16 WebSearchAdvanced
 12 WebTopicList
 11 WebLeftBar
  8 WebNotify
  7 WebIndex
Jan 2019 344 0 0  84 WebSearch
 53 WebCreateNewTopic
 48 WebStatistics
 46 CESR
 33 WebPreferences
 17 WebSearchAdvanced
 14 WebNotify
 14 WebChanges
 13 WebTopicList
 11 WebLeftBar
 10 WebIndex
Dec 2018 281 0 0  56 WebSearch
 38 WebPreferences
 34 CESR
 33 WebSearchAdvanced
 30 WebStatistics
 22 WebCreateNewTopic
 17 WebChanges
 16 WebTopicList
 14 WebNotify
 11 WebLeftBar
  5 WebIndex
Nov 2018 194 0 0  57 CESR
 32 WebPreferences
 31 WebSearch
 24 WebStatistics
 15 WebChanges
 13 WebCreateNewTopic
  8 WebNotify
  5 WebTopicList
  3 WebIndex
  3 WebLeftBar
  2 WebSearchAdvanced
Oct 2018 266 0 0  46 CESR
 45 WebStatistics
 38 WebPreferences
 34 WebCreateNewTopic
 31 WebSearch
 17 WebChanges
 13 WebNotify
 12 WebTopicList
 12 WebLeftBar
 10 WebSearchAdvanced
  7 WebIndex
Sep 2018 261 0 0  45 CESR
 45 WebPreferences
 37 WebStatistics
 36 WebCreateNewTopic
 29 WebSearch
 17 WebChanges
 13 WebSearchAdvanced
 12 WebTopicList
 10 WebNotify
  8 WebIndex
  8 WebLeftBar
Aug 2018 254 0 0  55 CESR
 45 WebStatistics
 41 WebSearch
 41 WebPreferences
 20 WebChanges
 11 WebCreateNewTopic
 11 WebLeftBar
 10 WebTopicList
  9 WebNotify
  5 WebSearchAdvanced
  4 WebIndex
Jul 2018 147 0 0  33 CESR
 28 WebPreferences
 22 WebCreateNewTopic
 22 WebSearch
 21 WebStatistics
  7 WebLeftBar
  4 WebTopicList
  4 WebChanges
  2 WebIndex
  2 WebNotify
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
Jun 2018 378 0 0  79 WebCreateNewTopic
 53 WebPreferences
 50 CESR
 44 WebSearch
 43 WebStatistics
 32 WebChanges
 19 WebIndex
 19 WebLeftBar
 15 WebTopicList
 14 WebNotify
  9 WebSearchAdvanced
May 2018 599 0 0 128 CESR
120 WebPreferences
 90 WebStatistics
 63 WebCreateNewTopic
 63 WebChanges
 40 WebSearch
 25 WebIndex
 20 WebLeftBar
 16 WebTopicList
 16 WebNotify
 10 WebSearchAdvanced
Apr 2018 586 0 0 165 WebStatistics
149 WebPreferences
 58 WebCreateNewTopic
 52 WebChanges
 48 WebSearch
 36 CESR
 24 WebIndex
 19 WebLeftBar
 15 WebSearchAdvanced
 10 WebNotify
  9 WebTopicList
Mar 2018 912 0 0 232 WebStatistics
176 WebSearch
167 WebPreferences
 77 WebChanges
 73 CESR
 71 WebCreateNewTopic
 31 WebTopicList
 31 WebIndex
 22 WebSearchAdvanced
 19 WebNotify
 12 WebLeftBar
Feb 2018 688 0 0 124 WebStatistics
120 WebPreferences
106 CESR
 86 WebChanges
 60 WebCreateNewTopic
 53 WebSearch
 38 WebTopicList
 30 WebSearchAdvanced
 30 WebNotify
 28 WebIndex
 12 WebLeftBar
Jan 2018 807 0 0 204 WebStatistics
135 WebPreferences
 97 WebChanges
 95 WebCreateNewTopic
 66 CESR
 64 WebSearch
 41 WebTopicList
 37 WebNotify
 33 WebIndex
 19 WebSearchAdvanced
 15 WebLeftBar
Dec 2017 844 0 0 268 WebStatistics
136 WebPreferences
 98 WebCreateNewTopic
 81 WebChanges
 61 WebSearch
 53 CESR
 37 WebNotify
 32 WebIndex
 30 WebTopicList
 26 WebSearchAdvanced
 21 WebLeftBar
Nov 2017 583 0 0 168 WebStatistics
 99 WebPreferences
 85 WebChanges
 71 WebCreateNewTopic
 48 WebSearch
 38 CESR
 20 WebIndex
 17 WebSearchAdvanced
 15 WebNotify
 14 WebLeftBar
  6 WebTopicList
Oct 2017 465 0 0 117 WebPreferences
 98 WebStatistics
 58 WebChanges
 50 WebSearch
 40 CESR
 35 WebCreateNewTopic
 19 WebLeftBar
 15 WebSearchAdvanced
 15 WebIndex
 12 WebNotify
  5 WebTopicList
Sep 2017 502 0 0 129 WebPreferences
 68 WebChanges
 64 WebStatistics
 52 CESR
 51 WebCreateNewTopic
 42 WebSearch
 28 WebIndex
 21 WebLeftBar
 20 WebTopicList
 15 WebNotify
  9 WebSearchAdvanced
Aug 2017 307 0 0  67 WebPreferences
 47 WebChanges
 42 WebStatistics
 32 CESR
 27 WebCreateNewTopic
 24 WebSearch
 20 WebIndex
 16 WebNotify
 10 WebSearchAdvanced
 10 WebLeftBar
  9 WebTopicList
Jul 2017 699 0 0 356 WebStatistics
164 WebPreferences
 46 CESR
 33 WebChanges
 20 WebSearch
 17 WebNotify
 15 WebSearchAdvanced
 15 WebCreateNewTopic
 11 WebIndex
 10 WebTopicList
 10 WebLeftBar
Jun 2017 1451 0 0 799 WebStatistics
284 WebPreferences
133 CESR
 53 WebChanges
 41 WebSearch
 37 WebCreateNewTopic
 22 WebTopicList
 21 WebSearchAdvanced
 21 WebNotify
 19 WebIndex
 15 WebLeftBar
May 2017 847 0 0 320 WebStatistics
184 WebPreferences
116 CESR
 51 WebChanges
 44 WebSearch
 26 WebCreateNewTopic
 24 WebNotify
 22 WebIndex
 21 WebTopicList
 20 WebSearchAdvanced
 16 WebLeftBar
Apr 2017 2450 0 0 1746 WebStatistics
392 WebPreferences
 87 CESR
 54 WebChanges
 41 WebCreateNewTopic
 37 WebSearch
 19 WebTopicList
 19 WebSearchAdvanced
 19 WebNotify
 16 WebLeftBar
 13 WebIndex
Mar 2017 1013 0 0 552 WebStatistics
272 WebPreferences
 39 CESR
 37 WebCreateNewTopic
 34 WebSearch
 34 WebChanges
 14 WebSearchAdvanced
 11 WebTopicList
  7 WebLeftBar
  6 WebIndex
  6 WebNotify
Feb 2017 669 0 0 285 WebStatistics
 93 WebCreateNewTopic
 87 WebPreferences
 63 CESR
 57 WebSearch
 18 WebSearchAdvanced
 15 WebTopicList
 13 WebIndex
 11 WebChanges
  9 WebLeftBar
  5 WebNotify
Jan 2017 207 0 0  53 WebStatistics
 38 CESR
 30 WebPreferences
 19 WebCreateNewTopic
 13 WebTopicList
 13 WebSearch
 12 WebChanges
  9 WebSearchAdvanced
  5 WebIndex
  5 WebNotify
  5 WebLeftBar
Dec 2016 330 0 0 124 WebStatistics
 61 WebPreferences
 38 CESR
 17 WebSearchAdvanced
 13 WebCreateNewTopic
 13 WebSearch
 13 WebChanges
 12 WebTopicList
 10 WebNotify
  5 WebIndex
  2 WebLeftBar
Nov 2016 311 0 0  60 WebPreferences
 57 CESR
 48 WebStatistics
 33 WebSearch
 20 WebCreateNewTopic
 20 WebChanges
 18 WebSearchAdvanced
 16 WebNotify
 14 WebTopicList
  8 WebIndex
  6 WebLeftBar
Oct 2016 616 0 0 398 WebStatistics
 58 WebCreateNewTopic
 41 WebPreferences
 40 CESR
 22 WebSearch
 14 WebSearchAdvanced
 14 WebChanges
 10 WebIndex
  6 WebTopicList
  5 WebNotify
  4 WebLeftBar
Sep 2016 416 0 0 254 WebStatistics
 42 WebPreferences
 32 CESR
 20 WebSearch
 16 WebCreateNewTopic
 14 WebChanges
 13 WebSearchAdvanced
  8 WebTopicList
  7 WebIndex
  7 WebNotify
  2 WebLeftBar
Aug 2016 201 0 0  57 WebStatistics
 27 CESR
 26 WebPreferences
 21 WebCreateNewTopic
 18 WebSearch
 13 WebSearchAdvanced
 13 WebIndex
 10 WebNotify
  8 WebChanges
  4 WebTopicList
  1 WebLeftBar
Jul 2016 262 0 0  53 CESR
 48 WebStatistics
 46 WebPreferences
 27 WebSearch
 22 WebCreateNewTopic
 21 WebSearchAdvanced
 17 WebTopicList
 10 WebChanges
  8 WebNotify
  6 WebLeftBar
  1 WebIndex
Jun 2016 343 0 0 122 WebStatistics
 56 WebPreferences
 48 CESR
 43 WebCreateNewTopic
 13 WebSearch
 10 WebTopicList
 10 WebIndex
 10 WebNotify
 10 WebChanges
  8 WebLeftBar
  7 WebSearchAdvanced
May 2016 253 0 0  66 WebStatistics
 54 WebPreferences
 42 CESR
 15 WebSearch
 14 WebCreateNewTopic
 14 WebChanges
 13 WebSearchAdvanced
 13 WebNotify
  8 WebLeftBar
  6 WebTopicList
  5 WebIndex
Apr 2016 168 0 0  41 WebPreferences
 32 CESR
 19 WebCreateNewTopic
 16 WebStatistics
 15 WebSearch
 12 WebChanges
  8 WebSearchAdvanced
  7 WebNotify
  6 WebTopicList
  5 WebIndex
  3 WebLeftBar
Mar 2016 12701 0 0 5337 WebSearch
3733 WebPreferences
1084 CESR
408 WebCreateNewTopic
118 WebStatistics
 75 WebSearchAdvanced
 74 WebChanges
 73 WebLeftBar
 65 WebTopicList
 63 WebIndex
  5 WebNotify
Feb 2016 268 0 0  84 WebPreferences
 72 WebStatistics
 29 CESR
 15 WebChanges
 13 WebNotify
 13 WebSearch
 12 WebSearchAdvanced
 10 WebCreateNewTopic
  8 WebTopicList
  3 WebIndex
  2 WebLeftBar
Jan 2016 471 0 0 103 WebCreateNewTopic
 95 WebPreferences
 73 WebStatistics
 40 CESR
 33 WebSearch
 28 WebChanges
 22 WebNotify
 20 WebIndex
 19 WebTopicList
 16 WebLeftBar
 15 WebSearchAdvanced
Dec 2015 205 0 0  90 WebPreferences
 31 WebStatistics
 28 WebSearch
 18 CESR
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Nov 2015 227 0 0 117 WebPreferences
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Oct 2015 226 0 0 105 WebPreferences
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Sep 2015 225 0 0  43 WebStatistics
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Aug 2015 39 0 0  11 WebPreferences
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Jul 2015 507 0 0 286 WebStatistics
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Jun 2015 781 0 0 466 WebStatistics
193 WebPreferences
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May 2015 224 0 0  30 WebNotify
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Apr 2015 260 0 0  73 WebPreferences
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Mar 2015 265 0 0  66 WebCreateNewTopic
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Feb 2015 148 0 0  50 WebPreferences
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Jan 2015 201 0 0  50 WebPreferences
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Dec 2014 641 0 0 263 WebPreferences
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Nov 2014 255 0 0  84 WebPreferences
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Oct 2014 257 0 0 110 WebPreferences
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Sep 2014 332 0 0 181 WebPreferences
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Aug 2014 521 0 0 256 WebPreferences
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Jul 2014 262 0 0 100 WebPreferences
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Jun 2014 247 0 0  57 WebPreferences
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May 2014 244 0 0  70 WebPreferences
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Apr 2014 69 0 0  21 CESR
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Mar 2014 169 0 0  83 WebPreferences
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Feb 2014 144 0 0  50 WebCreateNewTopic
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Jan 2014 281 0 0  51 WebCreateNewTopic
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Dec 2013 343 0 0  65 CESR
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Nov 2013 485 0 0  94 WebPreferences
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Oct 2013 83 0 0  36 CESR
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May 2013 2 0 0   2 CESR  
Apr 2013 5 0 0   5 CESR  
Mar 2013 0 0 0    
Feb 2013 0 0 0    
Jan 2013 1 0 0   1 CESR  
Dec 2012 0 0 0    
Nov 2012 1 0 0   1 CESR  
Oct 2012 0 0 0    
Sep 2012 1 0 0   1 CESR  
Aug 2012 2 0 0   2 CESR  
Jul 2012 0 0 0    
Jun 2012 0 0 0    
May 2012 2 0 0   2 CESR  
Apr 2012 1 0 0   1 CESR  
Mar 2012 1 0 0   1 CESR  
Feb 2012 1 0 0   1 CESR  
Jan 2012 3 0 0   3 CESR  
Dec 2011 0 0 0    
Nov 2011 1 0 0   1 CESR  
Oct 2011 0 0 0    
Sep 2011 0 0 0    
Aug 2011 1 0 0   1 CESR  
Jul 2011 1 0 0   1 CESR  
Jun 2011 0 0 0    
May 2011 3 0 0   3 CESR  
Apr 2011 1 0 0   1 CESR  
Mar 2011 1 0 0   1 CESR  
Feb 2011 10 0 0  10 CESR  
Jan 2011 6 1 0   6 CESR   1 DevinBougie
Aug 2009 0 0 0    

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Topic revision: r2491 - 02 Jul 2024, AdminUser
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