
Examples of multi-pilatus macro usage

See SOP (last update: August 31 2020)


Example 1: one detector with internal triggering (the 300K as “PIL5”)



pil_setup PIL5

Sets up the detector with EPICS prefix “PIL5” as Pilatus number “0”, to save images to the current directory on CHESS_DAQ.

pil_settrig “Internal”

Selects Internal trigger mode use when taking snapshots within scans. NOTE: this has no effect on the TriggerMode EPICS PV until a scan is performed.


Turns all detectors (in this case, only PIL5) “on”, such that a spec scan will trigger one snapshot per scan point.

tseries 5 .5

Perform a five-point time series, taking a half-second snapshot at each point. Images will have the format:


dscan samx 0 5 1

Perform a single motor scan, taking a 1-second snapshot at each point. Images have the same format as above.

mesh samx 0 1 samz 0 1 1

Perform a 2D, 2-motor scan, taking 1 second snapshots at each. point. Images will have the format:



Turn off snapshot acquisition.

pil_unsetup all

Erase SPEC’s knowledge of PILATUS detectors and associated macros. (This amounts to erasing the associative array “PIL”)

Example 2: two detectors and external triggering ( “PIL5” and “PIL9”)



pil_setup PIL5 0 PIL5


pil_setup PIL5 PIL5

Sets up the detector with EPICS prefix “PIL5” as Pilatus number “0”, to save images to the “PIL5” subdirectory of the current directory on CHESS_DAQ.

pil_setup PIL9 1 PIL9

As above, but sets up the detector “PIL9” as Pilatus number “1”, to save images to the “PIL9” subdirectory

pil_settrig “Mult. Trigger”

Selects Multi trigger mode on both detectors when taking snapshots within scans. This implies that there is digital output / hardware trigger hooked into both detectors, that will go “high” for each point in any scan.

pil_on 0 1 or pil_on

Enable in-scan snapshots for both detectors.

“tseries”, “dscan”, and “mesh”

Perform scans as in Example 1. Images will have the format

<specfile_PIL#_SCAN#_POINT#> or <specfile_PIL#_SCAN#_ROW#_POINT#> for 1D or 2D scans, respectively.

pil_off 0

Turn off detector 0, such that only PIL9 will take images.

Example 3: three detectors in fly mode ( “PIL5”, “PIL9” and “PIL6”)

In addition to “multi_pilatus_v4.mac”, this functionality requires “flyscan_v4.mac”



pil_setup PIL5

Sets up the detector with EPICS prefix “PIL5” (the 300K) as Pilatus number “0”, to save images to the current CHESS_DAQ directory.

pil_setup PIL9 1

As above, but sets up the detector “PIL9” (a 200K) as Pilatus number “1”.

pil_setup PIL6 2

As above, but sets up the detector “PIL6” (a 100K) as Pilatus number “2”.

pil_settrig “Mult. Trigger”

Selects Multi trigger mode on both detectors when taking snapshots within scans. For fly scanning (below), this requires that the USBCTR device is setup as described in flyscan_v4.mac, with step signal from the MDCP going into it, and the “CLK1” output going to the detectors. Also: a digital I/O output (see FLY_TRIGCHAN in id3b_NI_DIO.mac ~/Macros) goes to the USBCTR.

pil_on 0 1 2 or pil_on

Enable in-scan snapshots for all detectors.


Set up the fly mode fast and slow motors, and verify USBCTR setup.

flyscan 10 .5 100

Scan the fast flymode motor 10 mm, taking 0.1 second. images every 0.5 mm (20 images). Images have the format


flymesh 10 .1 2 .1 50

Perform a 10 mm x 2 mm 2D flymode map, with 0.1 mm pitch and 50 miliseconds per point (100 x 20 point map). Images have the format

-- LouisaSmieska - 11 May 2022
Topic revision: r1 - 11 May 2022, LouisaSmieska
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