
CLASSE IT documentation for NoMachine can be found here: https://wiki.classe.cornell.edu/CHESS/NoMachine

Desktop client

Installing the NoMachine remote access client

Download and install the free enterprise client for NoMachine here: https://www.nomachine.com/product&p=NoMachine%20Enterprise%20Client

Setting up the connection

  1. Start the NoMachine client software
  2. Click on "New" in the toolbar at the top.
    • NoMachine Toolbar1.png
  3. Leave "Protocol," at "NX", and click on "Continue"
  4. Enter nomachine.classe.cornell.edu as the Host, and click on "Continue."
  5. Select "Password" authentication method, and click on "Continue."
  6. Leave "Don't use a proxy" selected, and click "Continue."
  7. Change the connection name if desired, and click on "Done."

Connecting to the station computer

  1. Start NoMachine and double-click on nomachine.classe.cornell.edu connection created above.
  2. The first time connecting, click "Yes" to accept the remote host certificate and verify its identity.
  3. Login with your CLASSE username and password.
  4. Click "OK" to accept the default Audio streaming setting (if desired). You may also see settings about the display. It is ok to accept the defaults.

Web client

If it's not possible to install the desktop client, you can try connecting in your browser. Go to https://nomachine.classe.cornell.edu and enter your CLASSE user ID and password when prompted. You may also need to accept an ssl certificate.

Tips and tricks with a NoMachine connection

  • To get back to the NoMachine display menu while connected, you have two options:
    • 1. Hover the mouse over the top right corner until you get a "page peel" to show up. Click on the peeled corner:
      • NoMachine PagePeel.png

    • Or, 2. Hit Ctrl+Alt+0 (or on a Mac, Ctrl+option+0)

-- LouisaSmieska - 18 Aug 2020
Topic revision: r2 - 19 Aug 2020, LouisaSmieska
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