Intro: GeoPIXE: How to apply an energy calibration to newly imported spectra
Applying an energy calibration is important in assuring that each pixel in the Maia detector is reporting spectra on the same energy scale (x-axis). This should be done immediately after importing the raw data, while spectra from each detector pixel are shown. This step does not need to be repeated later in the fitting process.
1. Make sure your raw data is imported using the spectrum display window and you have deleted all XYT data, and saved as an "-E.spec" file. You should still have the spectra from each individual detector pixel present- NOT a sum spectrum.
2. Go to "Display > Get ALL energy cals."
3. Navigate to your energy calibration spectrum file (most likely in a setup folder). Press Open.
4. Your spectra should now be calibrated. You may have to press "Full" to see the corrected x-axis energy scale. Save the data as an "-E-cal.spec" file.
5. If desired, you may now proceed to sum the spectra for fitting: in the spectrum display window, go to "Process > Add (re-map cal)." Save the sum spectrum as a "-E-cal-sum.spec" file.
-- LouisaSmieska - 09 Apr 2017