Zoom Security Updates (Action Required)
In the near future, Zoom will implement two security changes that require the following actions by its users:
- Before Sunday, 24-May-2020, add a password to any Zoom meetings and webinars that you have already scheduled. Links to instructions are available here.
- Before Saturday, 30-May-2020, Zoom software must be upgraded to version 5.0 (use this link to determine your version number). If you have not upgraded by 30-May-2020, Zoom will prompt you to do so when you try to join a meeting or webinar.
- On personal devices, please follow these upgrade instructions.
- On CLASSE-managed systems:
- Linux: the upgrade will occur automatically.
- Windows: Zoom is user-installed. Please follow these upgrade instructions.
- Mac: we will contact you to schedule an upgrade, if necessary.
To request help with using Zoom for Cornell meetings and webinars, please contact the
IT Service Desk.
Matlab Version 2020a (Linux)
The latest
MatLAB version 2020a Update 1 is now available on
CLASSE Linux systems, and it can be launched by typing "matlab -r 2020a". For now, the default version (launched by simply typing "matlab") remains unchanged at 2018a. However, in the future, we plan to switch this default to 2020a (both on
Linux and
AppsAnywhere). Therefore, please test your scripts with 2020a, and see our
MatLAB wiki for information.
Atom and Visual Studio Code (Linux)
The text editors
Atom and
Visual Studio Code are now available on
CLASSE Linux systems (simply type "atom" or "code" to launch). For more information about Linux text editors, please see
this overview.
General network and server maintenance will occur every Tuesday from 12:00 noon to 2:00 PM. The CLASSE-IT group will always announce any expected disruptions in our
NewsLetter and via
CLASSE-IT-NEWS-L, but with the size and complexity of our network there is always the potential for something to go wrong. We will do our best to contain all network maintenance and planned outages to Tuesdays from 12:00 noon to 2:00 PM.
Unless other arrangements have been made,
CLASSE-managed Windows systems may be updated and rebooted on Tuesday morning at 2:00 AM, so please avoid critical or lengthy operations at that time. For more details, please see
Other resources: