CLASSE Compute Farm The CLASSE Compute Farm is a central resource of 60 enterprise class Linux nodes (with around 400 cores) with a front end queueing system tha...
Connecting to a Linux Machine from Windows LNX201 is our general purpose Linux Interactive node. If you need to remotely access a Linux computer, you should conne...
Son of Grid Engine (a.k.a SGE) "Best Practices" Topics * Please see ComputeFarmIntro for a brief introduction for newcomers to the CLASSE Compute Farm. * Pl...
ICE WM Both KDE and Gnome suffer from NFS locking issues when the same user account is simultaneously running multiple sessions. To avoid these problems, you mus...
Testing Internet Speed If you are experiencing persistent slowness with your remote connections to CLASSE computers (via ScreenConnect, X2Go, NoMachine, or ssh), ...
. Introduction to CLASSE IT * CLASSE IT team and computing environment * General philosophy * User services Who We Are Devin Bougie Deputy IT Direct...
LaTeX %TWISTY{mode="div" start="hide" showlink="Show Table of Contents " hidelink="Hide Table of Contents" showimgright="" hideimgright=""}% In general, TeX Live...
Linux at CLASSE Please see Linux Introduction for a brief introduction for newcomers to Linux. See CLASSE Linux Overview for a presentation on Linux at CLASSE. I...
Mac Support at CLASSE Useful Links * Remote Access to CLASSE Macintosh Computers * Macintosh Standard Software Installs * Printing from macOS * Acces...
Mac OS X X2Go Client Installation Instructions For general X2Go documentation, please see X2Go. Installation Instructions * make sure the latest version of XQ...
MATLAB CLASSE encourages running Matlab on a Linux system whenever possible. Matlab on Windows computers is supported on PCs that are set up to test, develop, or...
CLASSE Network and System Status This page contains information on issues currently under investigation. If you know of or are experiencing any other problems, p...
February 8th, 2016 Today's topics: Stock Computer Models The CLASSE Computer group keeps several "classes" of computer models and peripherals available for the l...
Monday, March 31, 2014 Today's topics: Wilson Lab Network Interruption: Tuesday, April 1 @ 9:00 AM There will be a brief 30 second network interruption in Wilson...
October 6, 2014 Today's topics: Migration of CLASSE file systems Tuesday October 7 After repeated disk failures on a decades old file server, the CLASSE IT gro...
October 13, 2014 Today's topics: X2Go replacing NX X2Go has replaced NX as CLASSE's solution for remote linux desktops. For more information, please see X2Go. D...
ParaView at CLASSE Usage From a CLASSE Linux system, using console graphics (local graphics card hardware), type: /nfs/opt/paraview/bin/paraview For remote use (...
Plotting, Graphing and Numerical Analysis Packages at CLASSE Please note, to request packages be installed locally on CLASSE managed Windows 10 and macOS systems,...
Remote access to Linux machines Depending on your requirements, there are several options for remotely access CLASSE Linux resources. Function Recommended sol...
Standard Installed Software for deployments after 4/05/2022. The standard software installed on a Windows computer is also called the Base Image. Every CLASSE Man...
CLASSE IT 2024 Summer Student Guide Welcome to the CLASSE 2024 REU, SERCCS, SUnRiSE, and PREM programs. This how to guide will get you started with IT resources a...
Text Editor Packages available at CLASSE These packages currently available under Scientific Linux 7 (usless noted to work in SL6) . They are accessible from Win...
VNC Most X applications (such as totalview) generate a large amount of X traffic. This can be very slow when tunneled through ssh to machines off of CLASSE's net...
CLASSE GRID "CLASSE GRID" is a program provided on CLASSE desktops which simplifies running selected Linux programs on the CLASSE Grid farm from ALL supported OSs...
X2Go Debugging From the maintainer: I have seen this problem happen occasionally for various reasons. I think they have always been due to external factors. So I ...
Xfce Introduction Xfce is the default Desktop Environment on all CLASSE Scientific Linux 7 (SL7) systems. From the site: "Xfce is a lightweight deskto...