DavidSchuller - 31 Mar 2022
ID7B2 TRAINING FOR CHESS OPERATORSThe goal is familiarity, not mastery.
ID7B2 hosts at least 3 kinds of experiments. 1) Single-crystal cryocrystallography ("standard") 2) Serial room-temp crystallography 3) High-pressure diamond anvil cell. 2 & 3 are always performed by someone on site, so most operator calls will involve 1, and that will be the focus of this document. Most likely you would be working together with
MacCHESS personnel, possibly by phone.
Best personnel for training: Bill Miller, Steve Meisburger or Dave Schuller (as of 2024-02-01)
1) Identify and locate major pieces of equipment
Data collection workstation - outside hutch
Experimental table
- Sample position - goniometer, PHI and XYZ motors
- Upstream optics: slits, attenuator, ion chambers, shutter, CRL
- Beamstop
- Primary centering camera, LED lighting, foam backlight reflector
- Cryostream, annealer. Annealer must not block laser sensor or cameras.
Detector, Eiger2 16M on motorized cart that sets detector distance
Shield to protect front of detector (pneumatic)
BAM-2 automounter (when in use)
Diamond anvil cell on separate table (when in use)
Location of SEARCH buttons - left rear, right center
2) Software Location of
MacCHESS menus on chess_id7b2@id7b2 desktop
Major components:
- ADX - main data collection software
CrystalCentering - Viewing mounted sample, centering in Xray beam
- MCBAM2 - Automounter interface
HutchTV - webcam viewer
- Adxv - viewing of diffraction images
Best procedures for stopping, restarting components
3) Detector - won't save images Shutter already open? Galil motor controller cancels collection if this is the case.
Detector status LED - how to check
Where instructions are for restart
4) Detector distance Setting distance in the ADX software
Location and use of jog buttons for manual movement
Light curtain - how it works, location of indicator LEDs
Min distance -check for stray cables, cryostream clearance, etc.
5) Motor controller Galil 4080
Separate from CHESS Xray optics controllers
Controls PHI rotation, XYZ translation, Det distance, shutter, annealer
I/O with ADX is found in ccd_bl_cm window, ~chess_id7b2/bl.log file
MacCHESS motor controller,
MacCHESS cameras, automounter are on a separate private network. SWitch is in the rack at the back right corner of hutch.
6) Xray optics mith is most frequently in need of adjustment. Thermal equilibrium?
attenuator - how to set in SPEC or ADX, how to physically verify setting
Shutter - operable from SPEC or ADX
Ion counters:
- I0 after attenuator,
- Icol at end of collimator, only counts when shutter is open.
- I2 after collimator (when in position)
Some components extend into
ID7B1 hutch
7) NoMachine issues Who has privilege to perform tasks (Dave S., Steve M., Jeney W., CLASSE IT)
How to file CLASSE IT ticket
8) Cameras
Centering cameras: long lenses, must have clear view of sample.
Spycam(PTZ camera) - same as in other hutches. Login - specuser
Preset positions, How to PTZ
Cheap webcams - USB webcams on Raspberry Pis. Try unplugging/plugging power to RPi.
9) Automounter stuff (BAM-2 = Berkeley AutoMounter model 2)a) Basic operation
Moves samples between LN2 storage to goniometer
Need to avoid thawing sample
Path of gripper & robot arm during normal op
Pneumatic controls - gripper open/close, flipper, dewar lid open
Location of sensors - 2 laser sensors, thermal sensors, microswitches for pneumatics
Gripper mounted to robot arm through force sensor
Do not leave items in gripper path or on dewar lid
MCBAM2 control application
b) Layout of MCBAM2 interface Status panel on top
Routine user commands on "User" command panel, highlighted in blue
- Mount/Block map below
Advanced commands on "Admin" command panel
- Log text window below
Full log files in ~chess_id7b2/src/bam2/MacCam0.log*
- older log files rolled with date
c) How to check lN2 levels Location of lid opening button
What normal lN2 level looks like
Location of lN2 controller, alarm system, valve
d) BAM-2 power states How to determine state (Red,Yellow,Green == Unpowered, Standby, Ready on interface), lighted buttons
Things that cause "Unpowered" state:
- 1) floormat, 2) "LoadPucks" button, 3) force sensor excess reading
If you are working near automounter and it starts to move
- you can unpower it by hitting the gripper or stepping on the mat.
Restore "Ready" state - location and operation of buttons
Coordin ate powering up BAM with searching hutch
Recovering from crash:
- stick around a bit - possible multiple crashes
e) Alignment procedures - on "Admin" tab Variety of alignments (gripper, gonio, sample plate)
Location of alignment probe
"Flying start" alignment procedure
Vacate sample from gonio for Align_gonio
Premount position - how to check, how to set
AtomTest mode - only for experts
f) Checking for sample problems in pucks What a bent pin, tipped pin, or dislocated puck looks like
Using glass beaker as periscope
Pliers test
Puck loading, unloading, moving procedures
"Recovery" spot where samples are dropped if they can't be placed in Dewar
g) Defrosting gripper Periodically in use (depends on humidity, ~ once per puck)
Auto-Defrost as of 2024-01. Counter on status panel.
Manual defrost is still possible.
Frost can build up during alignment
F rost or moisture buildup during change of states
CHILL to preposition defrosted gripper in lN2
h) Recover from false "Currently mounted" status Verify state via webcam, laser sensor output, spycam
Check history in log file
Relevant interface buttons: SET_MOUNT,
i) Blocking positions How to block and unblock sample positions and entire pucks
why to block - missing pin, tipped pin, multiple user's samples in dewar
j) Override features - on "Admin" tab Some for convenience (pre-chill, auto-dismount)
Some to continue with fault condition (
LaserGBypass, etc.)
Some just for testing & development
k) Command queue Queue depth indicator on status panel - deep queue is usually input error
Buttons to Pause or Clear queue on Admin panel
Related material:
Complete Description of BAM-2 Automounter Interface