
CLASSE Wiki Search


Query Syntax

  • To search for a word, just put that word into the Search box.
  • To search for a phrase, put the phrase in "double quotes".
  • Use the + and - operators, just as in Google query syntax, to indicate required and forbidden terms, respectively.
  • To search on metadata, prefix the search term with field: where <field> is the field name in the metadata (for instance, author).

Query Examples

  • text:kino or just kino
  • text:"search engine" or just "search engine"
  • author:WikiGuest to search for a wiki author, use their WikiName
  • form:WebFormName to get all topics with that form attached.
  • type:doc to get all attachments of given type
  • web:Sandbox to get all the topics in a given web
  • topic:WebHome to get all the topics of a given name
  • +web:Sandbox +topic:Test to get all the topics containing "Test" in their titles and belonging to the Sandbox web.

Note: the current version of KinoSearch does not support wildcards.

See also: KinoSearchContrib
Topic revision: r4 - 22 Jul 2024, DevinBougie
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