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Results from CBETA web retrieved at 02:27 (Local)

* Go to MLC electronics rack (near RF desk in L0E) * Power cycle TDK power supply for 2k heater (wait with the power off for some time before turning back on) ...
NEW - 27 Jan 2020 - 11:13 by cg248
Main.JamesCrittenden 14 Jan 2020 1) Run the Access Area script on the main EDM screen. 2) Make the access. 3) Return all keys. 4) Turn on the gun. 5) Turn on the ...
BNL Project Manager (B PM) Is responsible for coordinating TSEs for the technical components provided by BNL. For periods of time where a TSE from BNL is require ...
BNL Collaborators (BC) As part of the Cornell Brookhaven collaboration, CBETA team members from BNL can fill any role, provided they receied the associated traini...
AFE Modifications The V301 electronics used for the beam position measurements originally possessed an analog front end which was not optimized for performing sin...
NEW - 07 May 2018 - 14:54 by zsorrell
Beam Position Monitors V301 AFE Modifications BPM AFE Modifications Main.ZacharySorrell 07 May 2018
NEW - 07 May 2018 - 14:53 by zsorrell
The buncher tunes like anything else, and its easiest to do it in Cav Loop if necessary, you can maximize field in Kly Loop. * Go to LLRF A boards and select...
NEW - 29 Jan 2020 - 22:59 by kd324
CBETA Accelerator Physics How to Get Latest Lattice Three types of tables for the 1 pass and 4 pass ERLs have been provided by Scott Berg here:
r4 - 02 Jan 2019 - 10:32 by sbrooks
CBETA Beam Commissioning Plan Overview * CBETA Commissioning Planning * Shift schedule (short term and big picture goals) Link to GoogleDoc * COMMISSI...
r24 - 03 Dec 2019 - 16:09 by sbrooks
CBETA Controls General * Naming Convention * Magnet Polarity Convention
r2 - 17 Oct 2019 - 13:38 by sbrooks
These images show the magnet axes and polarity conventions for CBETA. Horizontal Corrector Dipole Vertical Corrector Dipole Focussing Quadrupole
NEW - 17 Oct 2019 - 13:46 by sbrooks
Proposed Element Naming Convention for CBETA All element names will use 8 characters All characters will be upper case. Format: *TSSCCCNN*_signal_name where: T =...
r8 - 19 Dec 2019 - 13:47 by sbrooks
CBETA Equipment Protection System Beam Mode 1 Gun Only *Responsible personnel: *Date: February xx, 2019 Beam Mode 1 Description This beam mode is for testing...
NEW - 12 Feb 2019 - 14:07 by michnoff
CBETA Equipment Protection System *Responsible personnel: Nalanjan Banerjee, Adam Bartnik, John Dobbins, Karl Smolenski, Rob Michnoff, and others*Date: February x...
CBETA FFAG Magnets and Girders Halbach Magnet Measurement and Tuning * Summary results of production run (Stephen Brooks): CBETA note 035 * Magnet measurem...
r31 - 21 Feb 2019 - 11:11 by michnoff
CBETA Fractional Arc Test Magnet and Beam Pipe Layout The magnet and beam pipe layout for the fractional arc test splitter line and first FFAG girder is defined ...
r3 - 10 Mar 2018 - 13:14 by michnoff
CBETA Instrumentation Beam Position Monitor System Diagram of Frequencies * CBETA_Frequencies.pdf (J. Dobbins, 04/02/2019) Bunch Pattern Generator * Block ...
r65 - 19 Jun 2020 - 15:56 by michnoff
* CBETA Financial Reports * CBETA Financial Reports * CBETA Financial Reports * CBETA_Quarterly_Report_Feb_2017_final.pdf: Quarterly Report to NYSE...
r2 - 06 Dec 2018 - 14:00 by sbrooks
CBETA Project Management, WBS 1.01 Technical meeting material, Monday, September 18, 2017: * Meeting presentation (MIlestones Scheduling Sep 18 2017.pptx) ...
r4 - 19 Sep 2017 - 15:11 by michnoff
CBETA Splitters Splitter line magnet polarity convention For bipolar dipole magnets: * Horizontal: Positive current = beam to the outside of the ring * Ver...
r5 - 08 Oct 2019 - 13:07 by trbojevic
Report on the NYSERDA Contract Introduction Contract Essential Milestones ...
NEW - 14 Jan 2020 - 11:19 by trbojevic
CBETA Supporting Documents and Presentations CBETA Publications and tech notes can be found elsewhere at the links below * Publicatons: https://www.classe.cor...
r2 - 08 Feb 2020 - 23:16 by michnoff
CBETA System Integration New Mezzanine Layout * new mezzanine layout drawing Shielding Block Layout Options The shielding design is expected to require 2 ft ...
r7 - 22 Mar 2017 - 09:15 by michnoff
CBETA Pre Beam System Tests Pre Beam Commissioning Status Bunch Pattern Generator Beam Position Monitors Bunch Arrival Monitors Corrector FFA Power Supplies ...
r8 - 08 Oct 2019 - 15:29 by trbojevic
CBETA System Tests Bunch Arrival Monitors *Responsible personnel: Rob Michnoff, John Dobbins*Date: February xx, 2019 Description of test Confirm that all EPICS...
NEW - 17 Jan 2019 - 13:50 by michnoff
CBETA System Tests BPMS *Responsible personnel: Rob Michnoff, Rob Hulsart*Date: February xx, 2019 Description of test Confirm that all EPICS IOC names communic...
NEW - 17 Jan 2019 - 13:46 by michnoff
Done and done. Main.ColwynGulliford 17 Jan 2019
NEW - 17 Jan 2019 - 15:17 by cg248
CBETA System Tests FFA Corrector Power Supplies and Magnetic Field Checks * Responsible personnel: xxxx * Date: February xx, 2019 Description of test Con...
r7 - 15 Feb 2019 - 11:03 by michnoff
CBETA System Tests Bunch Pattern Generator *Responsible personnel: Rob Michnoff, John Dobbins*Date: February xx, 2019 Description of test Confirm that all EPIC...
NEW - 17 Jan 2019 - 13:49 by michnoff
* Responsible personnel: Adam * Date: February xx, 2019 Description of test Check that each magnet responds and has the desired polarity. Test Procedure ...
Main.DejanTrbojevic 02 Oct 2019
NEW - 02 Oct 2019 - 15:38 by trbojevic
CBETA System Tests Splitter Power Supply and Magnetic Field Checks * Responsible personnel: xxxxx * Date: February xx, 2019 Description of test Confirm t...
r3 - 08 Oct 2019 - 13:57 by trbojevic
* Responsible personnel: Adam * Date: February xx, 2019 Description of test Turn on EPICS IOC and get data from screen. Calibrate mm/pixel for each screen. ...
CBETA Vacuum System SX 4 pass vacuum drawing * 7206 225_SX_4 Pass_08022019.pdf (Yulin Li, 08/07/2019) Pre production Girder * vacuum beam pipe drawings B...
r5 - 07 Aug 2019 - 15:41 by michnoff
CBETA V, the Virtual Machine, and EPICS CBETA V CBETA V is a custom version of Tao, written by David Sagan. It has all of the normal functionality of Tao, but wi...
CBV (CBETA Viewer) CBV is the primary way of viewing both real and virtual machine BPM data, and other optics functions from the virtual machine. It is still in h...
Main.AdamBartnik 26 Mar 2019
Main.AdamBartnik 16 Nov 2019
Main.AdamBartnik 07 Mar 2018 The CBETA accelerator will be assembled and commissioned in phases according to the following plan: 1 MLC test * Commissioni...
r2 - 30 May 2018 - 10:00 by michnoff
CBETA Commissioning Planning The commissioning schedule has a portion for scientific plans and a portion for staffing. It can be found at
* Vaclav Kostroun, Bruce Dunam, A Hard X ray to Gamma Ray Source using an ERL with Compton Backscattering (2014) * Carl Franck, Anticipated Performance of a CB...
r3 - 07 Dec 2018 - 10:13 by kd324
External Collaborator (EC) An EC is from an institution that is not part of CBETA. They are at CBETA to perform CBETA driven research. Participation of ECs is coo...
Emittance Measurement System (EMS)
At the beginning of each shift, please start an elog on the webpage: L0/ Example ELOG Template CHECKLIST FOR OPERATIONS O...
Set ICM SLAC power supply to 0 kV, wait 20 minutes while it ramps down, then turn SCR off. Break interlocks Remove ropes / signs a) L0/L0E entrance ...
External EPICS Reference Links * Web interface to EPICS archiver * EPICS 3 14 reference * Matlab LabCA interface * Python to EPICS modules: pyepics an...
r6 - 04 Apr 2019 - 13:11 by cg248
Main.JamesCrittenden 08 Jan 2020 I) Measure the crosstalk from magnet A and find the compensating magnet B A) Observe a BPM immediately upstream of magnet A ...
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Topic revision: r1 - 08 Sep 2016, admin-wms8
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