
CBETA FFAG Magnets and Girders

Halbach Magnet Measurement and Tuning

Corrector magnet power supply rack installation and cabling connections

Corrector magnet measurement test results

Table of Girder Names and Magnet Types on Each Girder

Drawings, Girder Magnet and BPM Bracket Components

Drawings, Girder Mounting Plates

Full FFAG Loop Model

The following drawing is a model of the entire FFAG loop, showing all magnets, beam pipe connections and ports.

Procurement Status

First Pre-Production Girder Status

First FFAG Arc


Permanent magnet delivery schedule


Design Review, September 20, 2017

Quotation for fabrication of Halbach magnet Aluminum housing

-- RobMichnoff - 28 Mar 2017
Topic revision: r31 - 21 Feb 2019, michnoff
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