
50 recent changes in CHESS Web retrieved at 06:26 (Local)

Statistics for CHESS Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: ...
CHESS Remote Access Guide This is a guide for the things you will need for your beamtime at CHESS. You should follow this guide ahead of your scheduled beamtime ...
Data Transfer for CHESS Users Data collected at most CHESS beamlines are written to a centralized data acquisition and storage system known as CHESS DAQ. This sys...
r23 - 14 Nov 2023 - 13:41 by MarlinGuest
CHESS Web Preferences Appearance * Set WEBBGCOLOR = #efefef * web specific background color, current color * Set SITEMAPLIST = on * set to of...
General Info for CHESS Users * REACH CHESS * NoMachine for remote control of your experiment * Using the station video cameras * Instructions for data...
InvDBProgMtgMarch152022 Zoom Meeting * https://cornell.zoom.us/j/98904537542?pwd=NHQ2d1F3OXRrZU1HaUpjT2lxM1A4UT09 * Meeting ID: 989 0453 7542 * Passcode:...
InventoryDatabaseProgrammingMeetingTemplate Zoom Meeting * https://cornell.zoom.us/j/98904537542?pwd=NHQ2d1F3OXRrZU1HaUpjT2lxM1A4UT09 * Meeting ID: 989 0453...
Inventory Database Programming Meeting Monthly meeting to discuss CHESS inventory database programming requirements. Template InventoryDatabaseProgrammingMeeti...
CHESS Data Storage Management Please see CHESSUsersDataTransfer for instructions on remotely accessing and copying your data. The CLASSE IT group maintains a redu...
Main.KearaSoloway 15 Sep 2020 Pan/Tilt/Zoom (PTZ) Cameras Connecting to the camera 1. Connect to your station’s computer using NoMachine. 1. Use Vivaldi t...
r8 - 15 Sep 2021 - 09:14 by KearaSoloway
Please see RemoteUserGuide.
Please see RemoteUserGuide.
CHESS DAQ Client Configuration For the main overview of the CHESS DAQ Cluster, please see DataStorageManagement. In summary, all data should be taken to the CHESS...
CLASSE IT Info for CHESS Operators General * CLASSE IT homepage * Wireless for CHESS users (Cornell) * CHESS Station Computer SL7 Upgrade * New CLASS...
See CHESS.Operations.SOP COMP 003 .
Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source Doc#: SOP OPS 014 Procedure: F2 Cryo System Prepared by: EE Rev.: 2 Revision Date: 02/05/14 Date Effective: 02/0...
NEW - 30 Aug 2017 - 10:05 by ljs30
Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source Doc#: SOP OPS 013 Procedure: Purchasing a helium crib Prepared by: KM Rev.: 4 Revision Date: 09/17/15 Date Effec...
NEW - 30 Aug 2017 - 09:50 by ljs30
Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source Doc#: SOP OPS 011 Procedure: CHESS Cryostream Setup and Removal Prepared by: ZB Rev.: 3 Revision Date: 04/14/14 ...
NEW - 30 Aug 2017 - 09:44 by ljs30
Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source Doc#: SOP OPS 010 Procedure: Filling large LN2 dewars Prepared by: KM Rev.: 1 Revision Date: 04/30/2013 Dat...
NEW - 30 Aug 2017 - 09:28 by ljs30
Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source Doc#: SOP OPS 009 Procedure: User Check In and Check Out Prepared by: KM Rev.: 3 Revision Date: 02/09/15 Da...
NEW - 30 Aug 2017 - 09:24 by ljs30
Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source Doc#: SOP OPS 008 Procedure: CHESS End of Run Procedure Prepared by: ZB, KM Rev.: 1 Revision Date: 05/31/12 Date...
NEW - 30 Aug 2017 - 09:18 by ljs30
CHESS Document Control Documents and Forms * Document Change Request * Requisition Form * Inspection CHESS Running * Inspection CHESS Idle * ...
r21 - 30 Aug 2017 - 09:09 by ljs30
Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source Doc#:SOP OPS 005 Procedure: Securing CHESS East and West Prepared by: KMM Rev.: 4 Revision Date: 11/2/16 Date Ef...
NEW - 30 Aug 2017 - 09:03 by ljs30
Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source Doc#: SOP OPS 003 Procedure: CHESS Safety Tour Prepared by: KMM Rev.: 11 Date Revised: 1/25/17 Date Effecti...
r2 - 30 Aug 2017 - 08:35 by ljs30
Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source Doc#: SOP OPS 002 Procedure: Making Purchases at CHESS Prepared by: KM Rev.: 4 Date Revised: 02/14/15 Date ...
NEW - 29 Aug 2017 - 15:21 by ljs30
Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source Doc#: SOP OPS 001 Procedure: Helium Supply Maintenance Prepared by: ZB Rev.: 3 Revision Date: 2/17/14 Date Effec...
NEW - 29 Aug 2017 - 15:07 by ljs30
Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source Doc#: SOP COMP 001 Procedure: CHESS Line Monitor GUI Startup Prepared by: ZB Rev.: 4 Revision Date: 01/09/13 ...
r3 - 24 May 2017 - 13:53 by ljs30
Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source Doc#: SOP COMP 005 Procedure: CHESS DAQ Data Transfer Prepared by: ZB Rev.: 2 Revision Date: 01/29/16 Date...
r2 - 12 May 2017 - 08:36 by ljs30
CHESS On Call Instructions and Lists Purpose This document is used by the CHESS Operator to determine who to call for suggestions and/or help in solving problems ...
r2 - 11 May 2017 - 15:25 by ljs30
CHESS Operator Training An operator should be familiar with the following procedures and documents before taking any weekday shifts: * SOP OPS 008: End of Run...
r2 - 11 May 2017 - 15:17 by ljs30
Laboratory Safety Certificate Course Completion Form Instructions Information: Laboratory Safety Certificate Course Completion Form ApplicationTo apply for a ...
r3 - 11 May 2017 - 15:11 by ljs30
Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source Doc#: SOP COMP 002 Procedure: Remote Access and File Transfer Prepared by: ZB Rev.: 1 Revision Date: 06/02/12...
r2 - 11 May 2017 - 14:36 by ljs30
Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source Doc#: REF COMP 002 Reference: CHESS Basic Linux Guide Prepared by:ZB Rev.: 1 Revision Date: 11/02/12 Date Effectiv...
NEW - 24 Apr 2017 - 13:50 by ljs30
Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source Doc#: REF SAF 004 Procedure: CHESS Safety Committee Update (1/7/15) Prepared by: AK Rev.: 1 Revision Date: 01...
NEW - 21 Apr 2017 - 13:46 by ljs30
Required Safety Training for CHESS Operators CULearn.cornell.edu * Online User Exam (CHESS Database – not on CU Learn) * CLASSE 911/912 Safety Orientatio...
NEW - 21 Apr 2017 - 13:36 by ljs30
CHESS MACHINE SHOP Machine Shop Staff: John Kopsa, Machinist – jfk4@cornell.edu Jerry Houghton, Machinist – jsh17@cornell.edu Dana Richter, Machine Shop Safe...
NEW - 21 Apr 2017 - 13:35 by ljs30
CHESS MACHINE SHOP AFTER HOURS USAGE POLICY Machine shop hours are 7:30AM 4:00PM Monday Thursday, 7:30AM 3:00PM Friday. The after hours usage policy is in effect ...
NEW - 21 Apr 2017 - 13:35 by ljs30
Submitting a Facilities Service Request If immediate attention is needed, call 255 5322 during off hours to report a problem. For non emergency issues: * E ma...
NEW - 21 Apr 2017 - 09:48 by ljs30
Phone Calls How to Make a Call to a Campus Number 1 Dial the last five digits of the phone number How to Make a Local Phone Call (607 area code) 1 Dial 9 Ph...
NEW - 21 Apr 2017 - 09:41 by ljs30
Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source Doc#: REF OPS 003 Procedure: CHESS Operational Modes Prepared by: KM Rev.: 3 Revision Date: 02/14/15 Date E...
NEW - 21 Apr 2017 - 09:36 by ljs30
Checklist for New Operators Things to Do * Onboarding Appointment (East Hill Office Building) * Parking Permit * Cornell ID * Benefits * V...
NEW - 21 Apr 2017 - 08:35 by ljs30
Vacation and Flex Time Vacation See https://www.dfa.cornell.edu/tools library/policies/time away work for Cornell University’s time away from work policy. To view...
NEW - 21 Apr 2017 - 08:21 by ljs30
Weekly Tuesday Inspection Checklist CHESS RUNNING Operator on Shift: q BEFORE Open Access begins, close all Secondary Gate Valves q BEFORE Open Access ends, veri...
r5 - 20 Mar 2017 - 14:15 by ljs30
Weekly Tuesday Inspection Checklist CHESS IDLE Operator on Shift: All Secondary Gate Valves should be closed during Open Access BEFORE Open Access Ends, verify...
NEW - 20 Feb 2017 - 06:43 by ljs30
Weekly Tuesday Inspection Checklist CHESS RUNNING Operator on Shift: qBEFORE Open Access begins, close all Secondary Gate Valves qBEFORE Open Access ends, verify...
NEW - 20 Feb 2017 - 06:21 by ljs30
CHESS Station Computer SL 7 Update The CHESS station data collection computers are now running Scientific Linux 7 with SPEC 6. With this upgrade comes a number o...
Remote Access to CHESS Data Please see CHESSUsersDataTransfer for data transfer instructions.
* Home Page * Remote Data Access * Private CHESS Wiki " warn="off"}% * ** * * * * * * * *
Data Transfer Recommendations January 2016 Over the past year, the CLASSE IT group has incrementally revamped the computing infrastructure for CHESS data acquis...
r11 - 18 May 2016 - 17:15 by admin-wms8
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Topic revision: r1 - 06 Mar 2013, DevinBougie
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